
What Each Zodiac Sign Needs To Know About The Week Of June 10, According To A Tarot Card Reader

Celebrate love and celebrate life! That’s the theme of this week, between June 10 – 16, 2024, for the collective. Before we look at the one-card tarot reading for every zodiac sign, here are everyone’s general messages for the week for everyone. We have a gender-bender energy in the mix here with The Devil card. It’s urging us to rethink our definitions of what is good and what is not. If something shunts us away from our soul path and makes us fearful of living daily life, then no matter how much it pretends to be good for your soul, it is not. Queen of Pentacles adds a second layer to this message by reminding us of the cruelty of stereotypes. They can make people feel weak and less than just because their skin color is different or they have a particular gender or genetic disposition. Break free from those definitions and make new ones that build you up from within. The Justice card adds a footnote to this message by speaking of karma and the mysterious ways it works. The best thing you can do for yourself is to recognize the unique gifts you bring to the world and allow the cosmos to conspire in your favor by refusing to give up on your dreams. Now, let’s take a look at the weekly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign for June 10 – 16.


**Tarot card of the week:** Ace of Cups

**Most compatible zodiac sign of the week:** Taurus

Aries, your tarot card for the week is the Ace of Cups. As a card that represents the beauty and innocence of blossoming affection, you are encouraged to lean into the loving relationships in your life and be open-hearted this week. Confess your feelings to a romantic potential, too, if you have one. At least, you will know if there’s mutual attraction or not. If you feel called to, work with Rose Quartz this week to help you align with this beautiful energy and bring more soft abundance into your life.


**Tarot card of the week:** King of Wands

**Most compatible zodiac sign of the week:** Aries

A bold and brave individual will play a prominent role in your life this week, Taurus. With the King of Wands here as your tarot card for the week, this person is a natural leader and no-nonsense about their chosen path. They don’t bother others or try to control people and won’t tolerate anyone poking their nose in their affairs either. The only way to engage with this person and have a positive outcome is to be honest about yourself and your stance. They will respect that.


**Tarot card of the week:** Knight of Cups

**Most compatible zodiac sign of the week:** Leo

Gemini, with the Knight of Cups here as your tarot card of the week, try to be more open about your feelings and pursue what resonates with you in your heart. In love, express yourself candidly with your unique flair of charm and sweetness. In career settings, be true to your path and follow the nudges of your inner warrior. You are also encouraged to cultivate emotional intelligence at this time. After all, reading between the lines and reading the room is just as important as knowing how to string words and phrases in an impactful order.


**Tarot card of the week:** Strength

**Most compatible zodiac sign of the week:** Other Cancers

Cancer, they can call you a crybaby all they want, but they have no idea how strong you are within. In fact, with Strength (a major arcana tarot card) here for you, it’s laughable that they think your emotions are your weakness. They are not. They always lead you truly and are a part of your Cancerian intuitive/psychic sensitivity. As long as you know this and anchor yourself within, no one can claim what’s rightfully yours. If you work with crystals, Aquamarine and Sodalite are good ones to engage with this week.


**Tarot card of the week:** Four of Pentacles

**Most compatible zodiac sign of the week:** Other Leos

Leo, it’s not just enough to have a bold personality and not be afraid of anything. Your tarot card of the week — 4 of Pentacles — urges you to also ground yourself through stable actions, well-thought-out plans, and dealings with friends and collaborators who are just as invested in achieving a positive result as you. Hanger-ons not allowed! If you feel called to, work with Fool’s Gold this week. It will help you energetically identify what’s for you and what’s fool’s gold.


In conclusion, the week of June 10 presents a unique opportunity for each zodiac sign to embrace love, strength, and new adventures. By aligning with the energy of the tarot cards and staying true to themselves, individuals can navigate the challenges and opportunities that come their way. Remember, the cosmos is always conspiring in your favor – so don’t give up on your dreams and allow yourself to shine brightly in the world.