
One year after the tragic loss of the Titan submersible during a voyage to the Titanic wreck, the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation continues to actively investigate the factors that led to the incident. The investigation, which is complex and ongoing, is taking longer than initially projected due to the need for salvage missions to secure evidence and extensive forensic testing.

The Titan submersible, which was touted for providing an unrivaled view of the deep ocean, went missing on June 18, 2023. The vessel, carrying five individuals including adventurer Hamish Harding, CEO of OceanGate expedition company Stockton Rush, deep-sea explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet, businessman Shahzada Dawood, and his son Suleman Dawood, lost contact about an hour and 45 minutes into the dive.

After days of searching, the Coast Guard found debris from the Titan, confirming a catastrophic implosion of the pressure chamber. The investigation into the loss of the sub and the individuals onboard revealed presumed human remains recovered from the seafloor.

OceanGate, the company operating the Titan submersible, announced the suspension of all operations and expressed its deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims. The lives of those lost were remembered and honored by their families, friends, and the company.

Among the victims were Pakistani-born businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, who reluctantly joined the voyage to please his father, a Titanic fan. Shahzada Dawood, a vice chairman of Engro Corporation, and his son, a student at the University of Strathclyde in Scotland, were mourned by their family and the Dawood Foundation.

CEO of OceanGate, Stockton Rush, who piloted the Titan, had a long history of exploration and a personal connection to the Titanic through his wife’s ancestry. British billionaire Hamish Harding, another member of the mission, had a passion for adventure and exploration, having previously traveled to the deepest part of the ocean and circumnavigated the Earth by plane.

French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a maritime expert and Titanic specialist, was also on board the Titan during the tragic voyage. The submersible, named Titan, was part of OceanGate Expeditions tour to explore the wreckage of the RMS Titanic, providing a unique view of the historic ship.

The loss of the Titan submersible and the lives of the five individuals onboard left a profound impact on their families, friends, and the exploration community. The investigation into the incident continues as authorities work to understand the factors that led to the tragic implosion of the vessel.