
Kinds of Kindness is a unique film that tells three distinct stories about characters seeking control. The film stars actors like Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe, Joe Alwyn, and Mamoudou Athie. They recently shared their thoughts on the movie in an interview with Yahoo Entertainment.

When asked about the process of decoding the movie, the actors had interesting perspectives. Jesse Plemons talked about the human instinct to make choices, but ultimately, he found it counterproductive to try to understand the elusive and ambiguous nature of the film. Willem Dafoe, on the other hand, focused on revealing characters through actions rather than thinking about themes. Mamoudou Athie mentioned that decoding the movie wasn’t his priority, and he found it more interesting to experience it emotionally rather than intellectually. Joe Alwyn highlighted the different reactions and interpretations that audiences might have, which adds to the uniqueness of Lanthimos’ films.

The actors also discussed the ridiculous things they had to do for the movie. From dream scenes with burgers to playing a morgue nurse, each actor had their share of bizarre experiences. The rehearsal process was intentionally ridiculous, which added a fun and creative element to the film. Despite the oddities, the actors embraced the absurdity of their roles and found joy in exploring the unconventional aspects of the movie.

In terms of the audience’s reaction, the actors expressed different hopes. Mamoudou Athie hoped that viewers would break free from any cult-like mentality, while Joe Alwyn emphasized the enjoyment of the film’s strangeness and its ability to challenge and provoke thoughts. Overall, the actors agreed that the movie’s unique and thought-provoking nature would leave a lasting impression on audiences, even if the interpretation varies from person to person.

Ultimately, Kinds of Kindness offers a surreal and mysterious cinematic experience that encourages viewers to embrace the unconventional and engage with the film on a visceral level. With its complex themes and intriguing characters, the movie challenges traditional storytelling norms and invites audiences to explore the boundaries of narrative and interpretation. So, if you’re looking for a film that will make you think, feel, and question, then Kinds of Kindness might just be the perfect choice for your next movie night.