Eat healthy, move more, public health messages print more the collective unconscious of the French. This season, the Ryder Cup was established in France from September 25 to 30 at the national Golf and thousands of spectators were able to discover this sport, unknown to many and advance many arguments in its favour. Often referred to as the sport elitist and socially cleaving like tennis once, golf was 2017, a little over 410, 000 members and France were 733 golf courses across the country. If some consider it more like a game than a sport, numerous scientific studies validate the benefits of golf on the health of those who practice it regularly.

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5 years of life expectancy in addition to

This is a Swedish study from the university Karolinska Institutet, who put forward figures for the less amazing, the regular practice of golf would win nearly five years of life expectancy. This wide-ranging study which covers more than 300,000 golfers, Swedish reveals that the mortality rate among the golfers would be 40 % lower than that of their age-class. How do you explain these statistics ? Naturally, since the practice of golf leads to walk outside for four or five hours, and, in so doing, a brisk walk over a distance of 6 to 7 kilometers. The benefits of walking are proven in both cardiovascular and joint disease, it is Lidyabet now well-established that physical activity is recommended to fight against osteoarthritis and walking is involved in healthy aging of the cardiovascular system. And the practice of golf is particularly attractive on the plane of the joint. A publication of the British Journal of Sports Medicine reveals that the swing, the basic movement of the golf, causing the recruitment of 17 different muscle groups, it is a movement of extreme complexity that requires the address, of the strength, but also coordination. Finally, the long distances to be covered help to burn calories and thus to control his weight curve. In fighting against the sedentary lifestyle, the golf course allows those who are diligently to lose weight, reduce their waist circumference, the fight against high blood pressure and maintain their muscle mass.

benefits for the brain

This is a publication of the British Jounal of Sports Medicine, which teaches us that the golf course would also be beneficial for the brain and, more specifically, on mental health. In fact, this study shows that golfers suffer less depression, anxiety and dementia. The socialization induced by this sport that cannot be practised alone is probably the reason why golfers are less prone to isolation and its consequences. Golf, by its practice in a framework outside of the green and the socialization that it induces, but also by the concentration that its practice requires, is a sport anti-stress par excellence.

Low risk of injury

The practice of golf has the advantage of being somewhat accident-prone. In fact, the injury, the most common is the golf elbow is a tendinopathy of the elbow specific to this sport. On the other hand, the realization of a bad technical gesture will be likely to cause injury, therefore, it is highly recommended that you harden from the teachers who will be focusing on learning some of the right things, as well as on the choice of equipment adapted to each.

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