
Joan Vassos, the newly appointed Golden Bachelorette, received valuable advice from Gerry Turner, her ex from The Golden Bachelor. In an interview with ET just before the filming of her season began, Joan shared that Gerry, who is now divorced from his final pick, Theresa Nist, provided her with guidance for her quest for love. According to Joan, Gerry emphasized the importance of being open and vulnerable from the start, as time is limited in this fast-paced journey. She expressed gratitude for Gerry’s support and credited him with laying the groundwork for their current path.

Although Joan had to leave The Golden Bachelor early due to her daughter’s health issue, she was pleasantly surprised to be selected as the lead for the upcoming season. Reflecting on her initial fears of being forgotten, Joan recognized the impact of her personal story, particularly her experience as a widow. She believes that her relatable narrative resonated with many viewers, leading to her memorable presence on the show.

Despite her nerves about the challenges ahead, Joan aspires to follow in the footsteps of Trista Sutter, the original Bachelorette, whose love story and family life have become iconic. Joan acknowledges the pressure to achieve a similar fairy-tale ending but remains hopeful about her own journey. She views her role as the Golden Bachelorette as an opportunity to inspire others in her age group to pursue love and happiness, emphasizing that everyone deserves a chance at finding love.

With a focus on showcasing genuine connections and meaningful relationships, Joan hopes to include her fellow contestants from The Golden Bachelor in her season. She values the friendships she has formed with these women and believes that their shared experiences will offer valuable insights and support throughout her quest for love. Joan’s season will premiere on ABC this fall, offering viewers a glimpse into her journey as she navigates the complexities of dating on national television.

In a world where finding love can be challenging, Joan’s story serves as a reminder that love knows no bounds and can be discovered in unexpected ways. By sharing her experiences and emotions openly, Joan hopes to inspire others to pursue their own paths to love and fulfillment. As she embarks on this new chapter as the Golden Bachelorette, Joan remains optimistic about the possibilities that lie ahead and looks forward to sharing her journey with audiences across the country.