
Tonight on TLC, the popular show 7 Little Johnstons aired a new episode where the family had to learn how to change diapers. Liz, who was expecting a baby soon, needed her family to know how to change a diaper in case they babysat for her. Amber organized a practice session using baby dolls filled with dog food to make it realistic. Brice, Liz’s partner, was particularly worried about changing diapers as he had never done it before.

Brice’s family wants to have many grandchildren, but he was hesitant due to the health risks involved in childbirth for little people like Liz. Liz had to undergo a c-section and be put to sleep due to her unique spinal curvature. Brice was concerned about the risks and complications involved, which made him consider having only one child.

In the meantime, Liz and Brice moved in with her parents temporarily, as they were looking for a new place to live. The rest of the family was busy renovating the upstairs bathroom, with Trent taking charge of the project. Despite some mishaps during the renovation, the family enjoyed some quality time together playing mini-golf and having heart-to-heart conversations.

Emma, one of the Johnston children, used the renovation as an opportunity to convince her mom to paint her room hot pink, despite Amber’s concerns about the color becoming outdated. The family also surprised Liz with a welcome sign made of balloons as she entered her nesting stage and awaited the arrival of her baby.

Overall, the episode showcased the Johnston family’s bond and support for one another during a significant moment in their lives. As they navigate the challenges of impending parenthood and finding a new home, they continue to lean on each other for love and encouragement. Stay tuned for more updates and recaps of 7 Little Johnstons as the season progresses.