Some people have it easy. You are fit to be chosen, to win a prize, and one thinks at first sight: “Yes.” And then you come to the award ceremony and make a speech, and then determines in the first place, how you deserve this award, really, with all your soul.

“picture”-chief Julian Reichelt is a case in point. Last weekend, he was invited by the Association “New German media makers”, because he should get the “Golden potato” – a “media award for a particularly one-sided or misshapen, in short: for underground reporting on aspects of our diverse immigrant society,” the Association writes. Julian Reichelt should get the price, among other things, because he’s driving in his paper, “Subjectivity, prejudice, and scaremongering”.

The potato as a dirty word

Reichelt came to the award ceremony, declined the prize. Not because he finds that his reporting is so underground. But, because he objected to the term “potato”. School stations of the focal point of schools, “where Migration is not a success story”, Reichelt researched, has become a “potato” an “insult, which actually refers to race and origin”.

Since you ask, of course, first of all, as you should, in the case of people actually on the “race” to refer to, if there are no human races, or says Reichelt dogs that are abused? But above all, one wonders if he seriously wants to say that he would be offended as a White racist, if you associated it with the term “potato”. Unfortunately, unfortunately, you have to assume that’s what he thinks.

There’s this phenomenon in a modified Form, even in the case of men, the sexism exposed. The quota for women, women’s representative, women’s Parking: All of it will regularly be construed as sexism against men. And there are both phenomena in combination if, for example, it is pointed out that, for the seven millionth Time in the history of the world, a Supervisory Board, a Podium, a Ministry of white men, was occupied. “White men”, you may call the so, or is that not really… discrimination?

it Is not. Men and White people can have about anything in the world, but the discrimination you may have. There is no racism against whites, and no sexism against men. This is not to say that they can’t be in principle. It is not only in this world .

discrimination, is a structural disadvantage

of Course, and this Thesis with the question of how one defines discrimination. If you see any personal rejection or even just the naming of groups in society than discrimination, okay. Then White men can be discriminated against. Mariobet If one understands discrimination as a mechanism that had oppressed groups or minorities from social participation and equality holds, then the is a experience, the White men and, as such, in this world, not make. There may be prejudice against you, it is violence, bullying, unfair behavior, or jokes about them, but no discrimination.

Who belongs to a group that has, by default, in a society, and the are White, heterosexual, men, people without disabilities may not be discriminated against as this group. Discrimination, structural disadvantage, that is, there must be a (Power-)structure, which it is based. This can be an uneven distribution of resources, which can be police checks on the basis of skin color, or in simple cases, Crayons, or patch, the “skin color” to be called, as all people would have skin beige pink. If there is not this structure, then it is not discrimination.

This is not to say that men, or whites can’t be discriminated against – you can only are not discriminated against men sexist, or White racist. White men can be discriminated against because they are gay or have a disability or illness, you may be a victim of classism or Ageism, discrimination due to age. Where this is not already given, if it determines that Horst Seehofer’s time is expired slowly. (It is.)


not one of any of the same Currently being a mass murderer in court, to have at least 100 people were killed. In the German post-war period, probably no one has killed more people than Niels Högel, who has worked as a nurse and his patients poisoned. A hair-raising case of unbelievable heartlessness, hardness, and cold – but will not be discussed in Public especially.

If you imagine, Högel would have killed 100 professors or 100 professional footballer and not 100 sick or old people, then you get an idea of what it means that certain groups are still treated fundamentally different, not only in the sense that you may not get a Job, but in the sense that your life and ultimately your death doesn’t count quite as much. Anyone still remembers the “döner murders”, in which no kebabs were murdered?

The practice of Patriarchy

this week, a Film in German cinemas, the “Female Pleasure” and telling me about how Religion makes women’s life a living hell appears. It portrays five women who suffer from five different world religions and against the unequal treatment to fight, is you and others, and, although it takes place on different continents in very different contexts, always according to the same mechanisms runs out. “You practice the Patriarchate”, says one of the protagonists, Leyla Hussein, who campaigns against female genital mutilation, “which is a universal Religion.”

anyone Who complains that men today can always be the victim of a smear campaign – because it has become harder to bring women to the Silence – or that it is assigned in the Internet, because you find racist terms from the colonial period still okay, you can enjoy the movie quietly, as a Reminder, in the System in which we still live.

The Argument is not: Others it’s worse. The Argument is not that All women or People of Color are discriminated against every time and have the monopoly of the victim status for life. But: throughout the world, there are always similar power structures that prevent people from leading a free life – even in countries where legally, theoretically, equality reigns.

Who does not see the struggles of these people or can’t stand, and instead, even as victims of discrimination, has understood nothing of it, as this world still works.