
The Boys, a popular superhero satire on Prime Video, has always been known for its edgy take on American politics. However, the Season 4 finale has sparked controversy with its depiction of a fictional assassination attempt on the president-elect, coming just days after a real-life attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The episode, originally titled “Assassination Run,” has since been changed to simply “Season 4 finale” due to the sensitive nature of the content. In response to the backlash, the show’s official social media accounts shared a statement from Prime Video and Sony Pictures Television, clarifying that any similarities to real-world events were purely coincidental and unintentional.

Despite being filmed back in 2023, the show has always been ahead of its time when it comes to mirroring current political events. Showrunner Eric Kripke has openly stated that characters like Homelander serve as analogues to figures like Trump, while new additions like Firecracker draw inspiration from controversial politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert.

Actress Valorie Curry, who portrays Firecracker, emphasized the show’s relevance to today’s political climate, noting that many aspects of the series were written years ago but still remain poignant. Similarly, Claudia Doumit, who plays Victoria Neuman based on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, highlighted the show’s ability to predict future political developments.

Kripke himself admitted that while he didn’t set out to predict real-life events, The Boys has a knack for reflecting the current political landscape. The fourth season sees Homelander inciting his followers to take over the government, culminating in a shocking finale reminiscent of the January 6th Capitol insurrection.

As viewers grapple with the unsettling parallels between fiction and reality, The Boys continues to push the boundaries of political satire, challenging audiences to confront the darker aspects of power and corruption. Whether intentional or not, the show’s uncanny ability to capture the zeitgeist is a testament to its sharp writing and fearless commentary on contemporary issues.