On the 14. March of the scientist Stephen Hawking died, and now his latest book “Short answers to big questions”. It reads like his legacy to mankind, almost as a Testament. The star has spoken with his daughter Lucy Hawking, 47, journalist and author, about her life with the famous physicist.

her father was an optimistic man, says Lucy Hawking. “He believed with Conviction to the people and the ingenuity of mankind. His great hope lay in the youth. Our children, that was his opinion, to find solutions for the things we fail today.”


Lucy Hawking, photographed in the office of the Agency, United Agents in Soho, London

©Andrea Artz

Stephen Hawking had also a great sense of Humor. Of your Childhood Lucy Hawking recalls: “For us, it was like in the dovecote. We Sultanbet had an incredible number of interesting guests. Scientists, Artists, Writers. Constantly eat was balanced on the table. Was constantly discussed. We talked really about everything: our Worries, homework, politics, existential issues, art and music, and of course science. It was intellectually sparkling.”

Stephen Hawking was also a pioneer for the opportunities of the disabled in professional life

her father had also done much to change the perception of disabled people. Stephen Hawking was sitting due to a nerve disorder since 1968 in a wheelchair since 1985, he was able to communicate only through a voice computer. His daughter says: “He was a trailblazer. He worked for disabled-friendly architecture, sidewalks, elevators. But above all, to ensure that disabled people today can be successful in your career and a fulfilling life. He was a role model.”

The whole conversation with Lucy Hawking read in the current star, will appear this Thursday.

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