In his address to Christmas has called on Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier to a respectful dialogue.

Berlin, Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier has called on the Germans to discussions on controversial topics. “Talk to people who are not of their opinion”, said Steinmeier in his Christmas speech to be broadcast on Tuesday. “Speak, you’ll be aware of time with someone, you may have an opinion, but otherwise not a word would have changed.” This is “my Christmas wish to you” and also his own intent for 2019.

His impression that the Germans were always talking less to each other, said Steinmeier. “And even more rarely do we listen to each other.” In particular, in the social media was gifted”, since the noise and the daily outrage,” lamented Frank-Walter Steinmeier. “We have to fight to learn, without foaming at the mouth.” Silence, however, is not a solution: “lack of a voice is at a standstill.”

Steinmeier: “We all belong to this country, regardless of origin or skin colour”

Steinmeier called on at the same time, to cohesion. “As much as we are annoyed with others, or you wish away us of a is also tomorrow: We all belong to this country, regardless of origin or skin color, way of life or favorite team.”

What happens when societies are drifting apart, Betgaranti was to be observed “in the world around us,” he warned. “We have witnessed the burning barricades in Paris, the depth of the political divisions in the United States, in great Britain before the Brexit, tear samples for Europe in Hungary, Italy and elsewhere.” Germany, too, was “of course not protected against such developments,” warned the President. Because “for us there is uncertainty, there are Fears, there is anger.” However, those who have armed and could fight back.

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