What are the police officers of Greene County on the 14th. June 2015 to see late in the night, is not for the faint of heart. Neighbors alerted the officials, for several days, Dee Dee Blanchard was not seen. The police officers found the woman in a pool of blood on her bed, countless knife wounds were a death sentence for her. A tragedy, certainly. But the neighbors in the small town of Springfield, were alarmed. Because Dee Dee was not alone. She lived together with her seriously ill daughter. Since the premature birth, the disease came at the poor girl. Leukemia, Asthma, muscular dystrophy – the girl was in a wheelchair. And without help, she was barely able to survive. The municipality was seriously worried. Because of the wheelchair and the necessary drugs investigators found in the house.

After a day the police discovered the young woman. She went with her boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn for a walk and ate well. But it was the young, the weak and the sick woman who had been described to the officials? How could they change that overnight – and all of a sudden run? The officer unbuttoned the mother-daughter relationship in more detail. And a frightening found secret.

serial killer 130 years Ago committed by Jack the Ripper his first murder

He is the most famous serial killer in the history of the world, and has not been identified until today: Jack the Ripper killed several prostitutes and butchered them in the most brutal way. Exactly 130 years ago, he hit it the first Time.


It all started when Gypsy Rose was three months old. Her mother was sure that the child gets short of breath and suspected a Schalfapnoe. She dragged the Baby in hospitals and had countless Tests – but the doctors found nothing. But the mother did not bother, she was sure that her daughter was sick. And everything did, so they stayed.

When mothers make you sick

physicians are talking about the “Munchausen syndrome”, a mental illness, which led Dee Dee to make the daughter sick. Her maternal aid and care, they are no longer needed now dosing. The child of the mother, and their morbid love was delivered. Also in the school, the Little one was to sick she was. From the second class she taught at the mother’s home. Since Gypsy suffered officially to leukemia, shaved Dee Dee the hair of the daughter. Would not fail, she said. Then we can make it rather neatly.

As Gypsy of tens of Doctors have been treated, always came back the Moment the doctors were suspicious. Then Dee Dee moved on immediately to the practice. To hoard at home, you have a whole Arsenal of pills and vials, juices, and sugar-coated tablets. Some of them had severe side effects, once the teeth were the girl. But no doctor agreed the office or the police.

in Texas, He wanted to rape girls, kill and eat – then a policeman offered him his daughter

The case of Alexander Nathan Barter Texas shaken. The 21-Year-old was murdered in the Darknet in search of young girls he raped, and then wanted to eat. It was only when a police officer offered his own daughter, the officer of the Law to the man on the ropes.

Katharina Grimm donations for mother and daughter

In 2008, the mother-daughter Team moved to Springfield. But told Dee Dee that hurricane Katrina had taken them home and all their possessions. In the meantime, the investigators no longer believe this story. The residents collected donations and took a single mother and a very sick girl. A welfare organization introduced them to a house, the community donated so diligently, that Dee Dee and Gypsy were able to visit Disney World in Florida.

at some point, the mother Gypsy sat in a wheelchair. “You would, of course, can run away, but no one knows how it feels to sit in the house in a Betboo wheelchair, and to be like a hostage being held,” explains the Director, Erin Lee Carr has filmed a documentary about the case. “She loved it, of course, to go to Disney World the many gifts and the attention.”

No contact to other people

But Gypsy was a self-employed and called for more freedoms. However, in the place and Dee Dee had a lot of support. 2010 Gypsy is supposed to be 14 years old – the young woman was already 19 years old. Verify the not settled, allegedly had been destroyed by the hurricane, all of the documents. The mother had long since stopped all social contacts outside of the child. No friends, no Acquaintances, no Hobbies that you can share would be – the girl lived in her house in almost complete Isolation. One Night, she stood in front of the house to the neighbors and asked to be taken to the hospital. Dee Dee defused the Situation, the drugs would confuse the child. That you could go, whether the learning success. A short-term, of course. “Dee Dee was a good one to convince one of them that there were problems, and Gypsy went very bad,” said the father in the HBO documentary about the case.

From this point on, Gypsy took secretly to the Internet, if your mother had gone to bed. There, they surfed through Online Chats and Dating platforms. She hoped that one of these men would rescue you from your life. The mother came from behind and tied her to the bed and threatened to break your fingers with a Hammer, it should chat once, secretly.

New revelations Kelley Clayton was brutally murdered and her seven-year-old daughter is a witness

In September of 2015 Kelley was murdered Clayton brutally. Quickly, it was clear that their two children were at the murder in the house. The seven-year-old daughter brought the police on the trail of the killer.

The first love is a killer

But the Gypsy did it. And met at a Christian flirt portal Nicholas Godejohn. You wrote a lot, Gypsy was in love for the first Time. Two years later, they met for the first Time, as Dee Dee was traveling alone and Gypsy should wait at home. However, the met with Nick in the cinema, they should have the Disney movie “Cinderella”. Sex you have had. And eventually, the two came up with a murder plan. In the documentary Gypsy said: “I and Nick entertained us one Evening and he said he would do anything to protect me. And I asked him: ‘Everything?’ and he said ‘Yes’. ‘No matter, in front of whom?’, I asked. ‘Yes’. ‘Even my mother?’, I asked. And he said ‘Yes’.”

On the evening of 14. June 2015 had Gypsy Nick into the house. You should hide in the bathroom and the ears, he said to her. And she did. “You called for help and again my name,” reportet Gypsy in the HBO documentary. But it didn’t sound like a horror movie, but more like a scared scream. “And to this date I help her so much, but I was afraid to stand up. It is, as would not move my body. Then everything became silent,” Gypsy, “ABC NEWS”. After the fact they cleared out the Safe to celebrate with the 4000 captured Dollars in a Motel. A day later, both were arrested.

Gypsy was sentenced to murder in the second degree, she had previously confessed to the crime and its incitement. At the earliest 2024 can you hope for parole. In the meantime, there is a Petition calling for their release. The justification: Gypsy is a victim and therefore not guilty. Nicholas Godejohn was sentenced last Friday to life in prison. A psychologist had noted in a report that Goejohn has autistic traits and a reduced IQ.