SNCF STRIKE. TGV, Intercités, TER, RER, Transiliens… Disturbances will persist this weekend of Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2023. Consult the traffic forecasts.

[Updated March 24, 2023 at 3:16 p.m.] The SNCF unions have embarked on a renewable strike against the pension reform. Thus, even if the traffic will be “improving” this weekend, as indicated by the management of the railway company, depending on the region, the movement will be renewable or not. On the TER side, traffic will be normal on Saturday March 25 and Sunday March 26 on all Normandy lines. But for example, in Hauts-de-France, the SNCF announces disturbances which remain on the weekend of Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March. You should check the TER site in your area for any disruptions.

At the national level, i.e. on the TGV or Intercités side, if the SNCF has not communicated the number of trains canceled this weekend, travelers will have already received an SMS or an email indicating the cancellation of their train Saturday or Sunday. Finally, in the Paris region, disruptions could “subsist this weekend”, further estimates the SNCF in its press release on the Transilien and the RER. Pending further information, see the current disruptions on SNCF rails below:

With the use of article 49.3 by the government to have the pension reform adopted, the inter-union made up of GT-Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT-Cheminots encouraged the movement “to grow and expand”, announced in a press release the CGT, considering this act of the government as “yet another arm of honor to the social movement”. The renewable strike has continued every day at the SNCF since March 7.

Travelers on canceled TGV and Intercités trains receive the information via e-mail or SMS. On the other hand, users of TER without a connection do not receive SMS. You should verify the information by entering your train number on the SNCF website.

SNCF users can quickly check the traffic situation and find out if a particular train has been canceled or is leaving late. For information on TGVs, the telephone number provided is 0 805 90 36 35. To follow the traffic of all major or medium lines (TGV, Intercités, TER), go to this SNCF page . For information on the Transilien or RER in the Paris suburbs, call 0 805 90 36 35 or consult the dedicated platform.