
Ryan Toby recently reunited with his Sister Act 2 castmates on The View to celebrate the film’s 30th anniversary. The reunion brought back a flood of memories for Toby and his fellow actors. They reminisced about their time on set, the hard work that went into making the movie, and some of the shenanigans they got into to pass the time.

One of Toby’s favorite memories was playing Ding-Dong Ditch with Lauryn Hill and Deondray Gossfield in the Hollywood Hills. They would drive around, daring each other to ring doorbells and then running off. These moments of youthful mischief hold a special place in Toby’s heart, reminding him of the carefree days of being a kid.

During the reunion, Toby had the chance to perform his iconic solo from the movie, “Oh Happy Day,” live for the first time. Despite only having three hours of rehearsal, he felt the pressure and nerves of stepping back into a role he hadn’t performed live before. However, Toby wowed the audience with his performance and received overwhelming support from fans on social media.

The Sister Act 2 cast, including Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy, and Wendy Makkena, came together for the reunion, with some members joining virtually. The group hadn’t been in contact before filming The View, but since then, they’ve been connected through a group chat that keeps buzzing with excitement.

Goldberg has hinted at a Sister Act 3, but details are scarce. Toby is ready and eager to participate in the third installment if the opportunity arises. He believes that the reunion was a great way to showcase the cast’s talent and remind everyone of the magic they created together.

As fans eagerly await news of Sister Act 3, Toby remains hopeful and ready for the call to jump back into the habit. The reunion was a heartwarming experience for the cast, rekindling old friendships and reigniting their passion for the beloved movie franchise.