a woman without A drivers license got to an Ikea Parking lot in Rostock driving instruction from your companion. The Trip ended in the checkout area of the furniture store.

informed the police, had used the woman and her 36-year-old passenger of the car Park on Sunday afternoon for driving exercises – at the time, Ikea will be closed. “Not in the possession of a driving licence being a woman lost control of the vehicle, ran over a boundary stake, Neyine and drove directly to a side of the main entrance, located door.”

The car had broken through the entrance of the furniture store in Rostock-Evershagen and came after several meters of travel, and a collision with an inner wall to Stand on.

The woman was taken with minor injuries to the upper body to the hospital. Her companion was uninjured. The police is investigating the two for driving without a driving licence. According to initial estimates, a loss of several tens of thousands of euros arose on the building.


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