
Scooter Braun, a well-known figure in the music industry, recently announced his retirement from music management after 23 years. In a statement, he shared his reflections on his long career and revealed his plans for the future. Scooter expressed his gratitude for the experiences he had and the artists he had the opportunity to work with over the years.

Starting his career at the young age of 19, Scooter managed an artist named Cato in Atlanta, GA, which marked the beginning of his journey in the industry. He acknowledged the sacrifices he had made over the years and how his priorities had shifted as his children grew older. This realization led him to step away from his role as a music manager and focus on his new position as the CEO of Hybe America.

Throughout his announcement, Scooter emphasized the importance of family and personal life, stating that he wanted to prioritize being a father above all else. His decision to retire from music management comes after many of his clients left his roster, prompting speculation about the reasons behind the departures. However, it is now clear that Scooter had been planning this transition for some time and is looking forward to the next chapter in his life.

As he looks towards the future, Scooter expressed optimism and gratitude for the opportunities that lie ahead. Despite not knowing how this chapter of his life would end, he is embracing the change and trusting in a higher plan. With a positive outlook, Scooter is ready to embark on this new phase of his career and see where it will lead him.

In conclusion, Scooter Braun’s retirement from music management marks the end of an era in his career. With a focus on family and personal fulfillment, he is transitioning into a new role that aligns with his current priorities. As he embarks on this new journey, Scooter is grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have shaped his career thus far and looks forward to what the future holds.