
Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes have recently announced their decision to end their 14-year marriage and are currently in the process of getting a divorce. Following their split, Ruth Langsford is reportedly struggling with feelings of guilt, especially in light of Eamonn Holmes’ ongoing health issues. Eamonn has been battling chronic pain which has led him to use a wheelchair and a walking frame.

Reports suggest that Ruth is torn between wanting to support her ex-husband during this difficult time and moving forward with her life. She is said to be feeling terribly guilty, especially after seeing recent pictures of Eamonn looking frail. Her friends have advised her not to be too hard on herself as she navigates this “new normal.”

In a recent interview, Eamonn expressed his hope that he and Ruth can remain friends despite the end of their marriage. He opened up about his health struggles, including undergoing a double-hip replacement surgery in 2016 and battling shingles in 2018. Eamonn has also faced chronic back pain, which ultimately led to him needing back surgery and a shoulder injury after a fall.

As Eamonn continues to deal with his health issues, Ruth is faced with the challenge of balancing her own well-being with her desire to support her ex-husband. The public’s perception of her actions adds an additional layer of complexity to the situation, as she navigates the aftermath of their split.

It is clear that both Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes are going through a challenging time, both personally and in their relationship. As they move forward separately, they will need to find a way to support each other while also prioritizing their own needs and well-being.