
Richard Osman, the well-known host of the popular game show Pointless, recently shared some interesting details about his experience filming for the BBC show, The Wheel. The 53-year-old admitted that he may have broken a crucial rule on the show, which could potentially cost the producers millions of dollars.

During a podcast discussion with his co-star Marina Hyde, Richard praised the show’s presenter, Michael McIntyre, for his exceptional hosting skills. He described Michael as brilliant and energetic, driving the show forward effortlessly. Richard also commended the show’s composer, Paul Farrer, for the amazing music on The Wheel.

However, Richard confessed that he couldn’t resist singing along to the lyrics of the songs played on the show while spinning the wheel. The producers had specifically instructed him not to mouth the lyrics, as it would make the footage unusable. Richard’s rule-breaking behavior could lead to some of his spinning scenes being cut from the show to avoid any potential legal issues.

In addition to his rule-breaking confession, Richard also revealed that a celebrity panelist had to be replaced at the last minute due to feeling nauseous from the spinning motion of the wheel. The high-energy spinning action of the wheel, used to select a celebrity expert for each round, proved to be too much for some participants.

Host Michael McIntyre had previously addressed concerns from celebrities who were hesitant to join the show due to fears of vertigo or motion sickness. He assured them that the spinning wheel was flat, like a turntable, and not a Ferris wheel. Despite his efforts to ease their worries, some celebrities still expressed apprehension about the spinning mechanism.

The Wheel is set to return to BBC One later this year, with viewers eagerly anticipating the new season. The combination of celebrity experts, high-stakes questions, and the spinning wheel of fortune promises to deliver exciting entertainment for audiences. As fans eagerly await the show’s return, it remains to be seen how Richard Osman’s rule-breaking incident will impact his on-screen presence in the upcoming season.