
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, have reportedly tried to reconcile with the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, but time may be running out for them to mend their relationship with the royal family. Royal expert Richard Eden suggested that they are now considered “irrelevant” by the senior royal family members, especially Harry. He emphasized that Harry needs to act quickly if he hopes to return to the monarchy while his father is still King.

Eden pointed out that Harry played a significant role in royal engagements before stepping back from his duties. He highlighted the strained relationship between Harry and his brother, Prince William, indicating that William may not welcome Harry back into the royal fold once he ascends the throne. The expert noted that there needs to be a significant change for Harry and Meghan to be accepted back into the monarchy.

Despite the challenges they face, Harry and Meghan have reportedly made efforts to reach out to Kate Middleton as a step towards reconciliation. However, their communication with the palace and the Waleses remains limited. They have sent well wishes to Kate, hoping for her speedy recovery and return to royal duties. The couple is keen on rebuilding their relationship with Kate and William, seeing it as a potential opportunity to mend fences with the royal family.

Royal expert Tom Quinn revealed that King Charles has been urging Harry to resolve the “Meghan problem” and spend more time in the UK with his family. Charles wants Harry to establish a permanent residence in the UK, allowing him to bond with his children and potentially reunite with William. This move could help address the strained relationship between the brothers and create opportunities for reconciliation.

However, former royal butler Grant Harrold expressed doubts about the possibility of repairing the broken relationship within the royal family. He questioned whether too much time had passed and trust had been irreparably damaged. Harrold emphasized the importance of actions over words in rebuilding relationships, suggesting that the future of Harry and Meghan’s ties with the royal family remains uncertain.

In conclusion, the journey to reconciliation between Harry, Meghan, and the royal family is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. While efforts have been made to mend broken relationships, the road ahead is uncertain, and significant changes may be needed to pave the way for a reunion within the monarchy. Time will tell whether the Duke and Duchess of Sussex can find a place back in the royal fold and mend their ties with the senior royal family members.