RATP STRIKE MARCH 15. On this eighth day of renewable strike against the pension reform at the call of the RATP unions, traffic is slightly disrupted in the metros. Only RER A and B lines are disrupted. What about tomorrow, March 16?

[Updated March 15, 2023 at 10:23 a.m.] This Wednesday, March 15, despite the renewal of the strike against the pension reform by the RATP unions, traffic is only slightly disturbed in the Paris metro, fluid on the surface network (buses and metros) but very disrupted in the RER with on average one in two trains in circulation.???????

For tomorrow, Thursday March 16, 2023, the Paris transport authority is planning “normal or almost normal” traffic in the metro, “almost normal” on RER A and “disturbed” on RER B. Find the details of the below metro and RER disruptions, line by line.

This Wednesday, March 15, part of the RATP transport network is operating smoothly when some lines encounter more difficulties or are slowed down, in particular the RER A and B which are “very disrupted”:

The movement is also renewed at the SNCF, with disturbances which still remain on all the RER and Transiliens in Île-de-France. Check out the detailed forecast below:

An 8th act of strike against the pension reform takes place this Wednesday, March 15, 2023, which is joined by the RATP inter-union. In addition to denouncing an “unfair, brutal and ineffective bill”, as indicated in the press release published by the RATP inter-union, the striking agents intend to protect their special pension scheme, which is threatened by the reform of the government. “The interest of having a special regime is first of all to take into account the arduousness of the work. The agents are confronted with night shifts, working underground and handling toxic products”, explained Bertrand Hammache, secretary general of the CGT RATP, at France 3.

Several tools are available on the Web to find out about upcoming traffic disruptions. To know the status of RATP traffic (metro, RER, bus, tram in real time), consult this page. For the RER, you can also follow the Twitter accounts @RERA, @RERB, @RERC, @RERD or @RERE. To follow train traffic in real time, visit the Transilien website.