On a day to day basis, there will be a message about the success that is won and lost by the home cooked apple pie and 1 in real kijkcijferoorlog of the programs. The success of the televisieformats is still mainly assessed on the basis of the figures from the Foundation for sight examination, but it is their method to what’s left of this day and age?

“With a simple push of a button, for example, At, you will have a much better and more accurate analysis than through the sight examination”, – said the presenter Winston Gerschtanowitz earlier this week, in an interview with The Telegraph.

it’s a kabelaanbieders and don’t want any numbers to share, I also know Gerschtanowitz. “Because of the law of privacy, is now, through digital service providers to be measured, since the personal data of the users are protected, but the system will have to be.”

The debate on the working methods of the Foundation for sight examination, which will set us on a daily basis with the amount of viewers of the evening before, but on the basis of a sample survey, it flares up periodically, as it does not include multiple use devices such as tablets and cell phones records, there are not enough take into account to look back, and only a small number of households would have to take the examination.

in order To fully understand how the system works, it is recommended that you read the following video.

So take a look and luistercijfers, calculated a Lot of hooks and eyes
Although it is the comment of a Gerschtanowitz to understand, ” explains managing director, Sjoerd Pennekamp of the Foundation for sight examination out of which there are many, many challenges of acquiring and interpreting data from the other providers. He says it is a problem of the code acceptable, but does have problems with the meaning of the data, for example, television content providers.

“The question is, what you can do with this data. What information do we get out of such a little box? You will be able to see what channel the box is, but it is not the picture at all is on it and how many people are watching,” he says. Pennekamp argues that this is a problem that does not exist in the figures of the Foundation for sight examination.

He explains that it is the households that will participate in the sight examination all of them have a remote control on which each and every member of the family individually and can decide whether he or she is watching. “As the father of the family, the program is to look at the son is there, then the son himself will also sign.”

There is of 1250 households, consisting of approximately 2,750 persons. Pennekamp is emphasized that the households are to be chosen with care. With the help of a basic questionnaire about, for example, level of education, age, place of residence, family status, and migration background, we recruit on the basis of the figures of the CBS, is a panel that is representative of the population of the Netherlands,” he says.

now, Giovanca Ostiana, and Tijs van den Brink and are now part of one of the five students who 1 at present. In the show, the NPO will compete with a home cooked apple pie on the RTL. (Picture: 1)

‘Success is measured is more complicated in a fragmented media’ < / p> Televisiewetenschapper Maarten Reesink from the university of amsterdam concurs with the statistics behind the sampling of the Foundation for sight examination. “Statistically speaking, it is only logical that the majority of people have no-one to know that the sight examination to join in, but that doesn’t mean that you’re free and simple statistics for a representative sample, you can make it,” he says.

the company’s ceo, says that the main problem with the measurement of the amount of viewers that has changed is the variety of scenes, in which we have the media to do not be recorded. “The tv is the only one of the devices, and we have to look not only to the limited number of channels. Even if there is only one party to manage the data of the users of all the players in our own hands, it is almost impossible to attribute a meaning to it.”

Mediawetenschapper Dan Hassler-Forest will stress that there is as yet no method which is fully consistent with our contemporary look. “If I had the solution, I would immediately patent it,” he explains. “We have, in the past two decades, a transition from a uitzendcultuur into the digital age, where the media are fragmented it is. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether something will be a success.”

“There is going to be a paniekvoetbal played with it more and more difficult to feel the depth of the programs to be maintained.”

Dan Hassler-Forest, mediawetenschapper, “It is paniekvoetbal if the programs do not immediately score”

you can, But it is there in the television world, then it is not too much value is attached to the kijkcijferoorlogen? Hassler-Forest, replied in the affirmative. “There’s a lot less likely to get a formula to support it as the audience does not feel it all.”

“There is going to be a paniekvoetbal played with it more and more difficult to feel the depth of the programs to be retained. There will be more in the short formats, made a quick score, rather than on television, where we have long-term benefits.”

the company’s ceo mentions, it is not surprising that television stations often act on the basis of the work. “Some of the formats have more time to grow, but you are running at a loss. How long have you let it as a shop for something on the shelf until you decide it is out of the range, if it does not sell? That is, it is a constant balancing act.”

“You’re also not all thermometers are needed in order to know how warm it is”

the Hassler-Forest sees a problem with the measurement of the viewers of these programs back. Foundation for sight examination is now publishing, in the morning of the audience from the very beginning and to renew those numbers in a week or so later by reviewing it. “People don’t look out-of-date content, more often, on their own time, some much later, it could have been. How long do you stay count for this audience?”, he asked to himself.

Pennekamp according to these changes in media consumption and the emergence of a look back, only to find there are still major interest in the day to day work. “We’ll explain it, perhaps, with the weather and traffic information, but people still like it.”

The executive director of the Foundation for sight examination is emphasized that the present sample is consistent with the laws of statistics. “With a larger sample size in the rule is not necessarily more accurate results. You don’t need to be anywhere thermometers in order to know how hot it is.” Company’s ceo said, “Some Foundation for sight examination you can do, and do them well, but what they can do is limited.”

Pennekamp ensure that the Foundation for sight examination work, with the potential of renewals. For instance, the foundation of the ability for the panel to be double in size. The National-Listen to the Research (that is, luistercijfers, for radio shows, to publish works on the technology of a mobile phone that the sound is set to what channel is being listened to. He hopes to have the same panel and technology as well for the channels too. The project is still in a testing phase, but should be by mid-2021 will be announced.