
Queen Elizabeth allegedly gave Camilla Parker-Bowles some advice on her wedding day to Prince Charles in 2005, which Camilla ignored and later regretted. According to reports, the advice centered around Camilla’s decision to wear a feathered headpiece, which almost blew away in the wind during the ceremony.

Despite Queen Elizabeth’s warning not to wear the headpiece, Camilla struggled to keep it in place as she and Prince Charles emerged from their civil marriage ceremony. The wind caused quite a spectacle, with Charles offering words of encouragement and reassurance to his new wife.

The conversation between the newlyweds and Queen Elizabeth revolved around the troublesome feathers, with Camilla expressing regret over her choice. Despite the challenges, the couple managed to make it through the ceremony and greet well-wishers.

Camilla’s outfit, consisting of a pale blue chiffon gown and a golden embroidered coat, received mixed reviews, with the focus remaining on the feathered headpiece. Despite the mishap, Charles and Camilla reflected on their special day with fondness, looking back on their marriage with joy.

As they navigated the windy conditions and dealt with the headpiece debacle, the couple showed resilience and humor, ultimately celebrating their union with grace and style. Eighteen years later, the memory of their wedding day serves as a reminder of the challenges they overcame and the love that continues to unite them.