
What to Do in Paris with Kids this Week of June 3?

A dive into the heart of forests, exploration of street artist Wen Na’s universe at the Musée en Herbe (Paris Center), inclusive workshops around disabilities… We have prepared a program that should please everyone. Even teenagers will find their happiness with a dedicated selection! Have a great week!

Teenage Fun

Between study breaks, there’s nothing better than an outing to clear the mind. Music festivals, street art, lightsaber battles, or outdoor sports: discover our ideas to keep 14-17-year-olds entertained in June.


Engaging for Disability Awareness: Exhibits, screenings, meetings, readings, workshops… Throughout June, libraries offer awareness activities as part of Paris’ Disability Month. Why not take this opportunity to talk about inclusivity with children?

Eating Sustainably

From June 8 to 15, the Better Eating Festival highlights sustainable food and agriculture! A week of free activities across Paris will educate on what’s on our plates and how to eat better in Paris, all while having fun! Join the kickoff this Saturday, June 8, at the Climate Academy (Paris Center).

Art Exhibits

Explore Wen Na’s Universe at the Musée en Herbe: Chinese artist Wen Na immerses us in her dreamlike, colorful world with the new exhibition at the Musée en Herbe (Paris Center). Installations, murals, and sculptures showcase traditional and modern Chinese culture. Wen Na invites the curious on a journey to meet deities.

Celebrating the Olympics with Oh là là Festival

Our babies are artists… and nursery teams know it! Proof is the array of artistic and educational activities offered daily to toddlers. World cultures, artistic and sports awakening activities, disability, inclusion, and diversity awareness: until June 14, explore all the joyful projects showcased at the 13th district town hall!


Immerse in Forests: Hundreds of nature experiences in 150 forests across France are offered during the Forest Nights festival this year. Shows, artistic installations, storytelling, bivouacs, and guided walks by foresters or storytellers, day or night, will introduce you to fascinating worlds. Discover the lineup now!

Exploring Rivers of the World

From Guyana to Madagascar through India, the Aquarium Festival (12th) aims to take us on a journey to discover the world’s rivers and the exceptional, often unsuspected fauna they shelter. Musical tales on the Amazon theme, beatbox initiation with aquatic sounds, aquarium crafting… Families will have fun, learn, create, and explore the richness and fragility of waterways.


Becoming Real Athletes at Little Villette: With the Paris 2024 Games approaching, Little Villette (19th) focuses on sports, transforming into a vast training ground for mini-athletes and huge supporters with the Cap vers les étoiles association! Throughout June, kids will try baby basketball, baby golf, defy gravity with baby trampolines, discover Brazil with Little Capoeira. Young sailors will embark on nautical battles.

Wellness Break

Poetry, nature protection awareness, and yoga all in one workshop? That’s what trainer and ecological transition consultant Marie-France Paugam offers, passionate about life. In a session, she will guide 6 to 12-year-olds through yoga sequences on Jacques Lacarrière’s beautiful poem, “À murmurer.”


Dine with CinéKids: How does cinema evoke hunger or thirst? Through film excerpts, anecdotes, philosopher Ollivier Pourriol explains how cinema “tricks” us into experiencing the sensations of a good meal and awakening our gluttony. A session that promises to whet your appetite!

Sports on the Big Screen

At Little Villette (19th), sports also come to the big screen with the “Little Athlete” cycle at Little Ciné. Throughout June, discover four inspiring stories that honor physical activity through short films that awaken our inner champions.

Shows and Music

Dance: Renowned choreographer and dancer Benjamin Millepied presents creations by recognized choreographers in iconic Paris venues in June. It’s free, so mark your calendars for June 7 and 8 for shows near the Eiffel Tower (7th), the Philharmonie de Paris (19th), the Saint-Ouen ice rink (Seine-Saint-Denis), or the Goutte-d’Or district (18th).

Wordplay Fun

The Prince of Motordu leads a peaceful life in his hat: playing with cushions in the danger room, engaging in snowball fights, leading his button herd. One day, he meets the odd teacher Princess Dézécolle, who invites him to un-twist words. The continuation? It happens at the Lucernaire theater (18th), hurry: it’s ending soon!

Activities and Workshops

Escape Game Fun: Everyone knows Chien Pourri, the friendliest Parisian canine! For his friend Chaplapla’s birthday, he created an escape game. He hid his gift in a triple-locked chest… but forgot the codes around Paris! Who’s willing to give him a paw?

Building Bird Feeders

A variety of birds populate Parisian parks and gardens. The Glacière library (13th) offers a workshop to learn about the most common species and their physical characteristics. Then, get hands-on with creating a bird feeder.