Emmanuel Macron requested this Wednesday in the Council of Ministers the launch of a major consultation on violence against minors, reveals Le Parisien. Gabriel Attal should say more on Thursday.
After the Grenelle on domestic violence in 2019, a “Grenelle” on violence against minors in 2024? In the Council of Ministers, Wednesday April 17, the President of the Republic called for the launch of a major consultation on the subject, Le Parisien believes, while, in recent times, the media have already largely taken up the issue by relaying many news items. According to our colleagues, this major consultation should be carried out on a model similar to that of the Grenelle on domestic violence. “I am asking for the same scale of mobilization on the issue of violence against minors,” Emmanuel Macron demanded this Wednesday, making direct reference to this previous initiative.
Still according to daily information, the head of state would like “mayors, associations, parents, teachers” to be involved in this process. The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, was responsible for announcing “a cycle of consultation” on Thursday. The leaders of the different parliamentary groups, including the opposition, could be involved, suggests Le Parisien. As Rome was not built in a day, this new “Grenelle” should extend over time. “Several weeks” are already mentioned by Le Parisien. “The emergence of ultra-violence in everyday life, among increasingly young citizens, requires long-term work that involves all stakeholders,” stressed Emmanuel Macron in the Council of Ministers. And to insist: “This is the only way we can put an end to the process of decivilization.”
In 2019, a series of round tables was organized by the government for almost three months, between the beginning of September and the end of November. Different actors concerned by the problem of domestic violence were invited to discuss, debate and determine the measures to take to deal with this scourge. Various solutions emerged and the government announced no less than 46 measures at the end of this Grenelle. 28 could be put in place a year later and 18 were “in progress”, said the Minister for Equality between Women and Men, Élisabeth Moreno, in 2020, as relayed at the time franceinfo. Several legal changes were also the subject, in January 2020, of a bill which was adopted.