
Prince William recently revealed to Kevin Costner that his mother, Princess Diana, had a crush on the actor. Costner shared the surprising conversation during an interview, detailing how Prince William mentioned that Diana was a fan of his. This revelation came as a shock to Costner, who had previously met Princess Diana through Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York. Ferguson had hoped to collaborate with Costner on a sequel to the movie “The Bodyguard,” which also featured Whitney Houston.

Costner recalled the conversation he had with Diana about the potential sequel, where he mentioned the idea of including her in the film. Diana expressed interest and even inquired about the possibility of a kissing scene. This discussion took place during a tumultuous time in Diana’s life, as she was going through a divorce from Prince Charles.

Following Princess Diana’s tragic death in 1997, Costner felt a sense of loss and was hesitant to move forward with the proposed film project. Rumors surrounding the sequel began to circulate, causing confusion and controversy. Costner eventually had to set the record straight and clarify that the project was indeed in the works.

Despite the challenges and misconceptions surrounding the sequel, Costner fondly remembers his interactions with Princess Diana and the opportunity to potentially work with her. The revelation of Diana’s crush on the actor adds a touching and personal connection to their brief encounter.

Prince William’s disclosure of his mother’s admiration for Kevin Costner sheds light on the human side of the late Princess Diana, showcasing her playful and romantic nature. The story serves as a heartwarming reminder of the connections that can be formed between public figures and the unexpected ways in which their lives intersect.

As Costner reflects on the memories shared with Princess Diana, he cherishes the moments they had together and the potential collaboration that could have been. Despite the challenges and misunderstandings that arose, the bond between Costner and the beloved princess remains a special and cherished memory.