
Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has been making headlines recently for his unique ways of maintaining privacy during his visits to the U.K. According to royal author Tom Quinn, Harry is so concerned about security issues that he reportedly dresses up in disguises to avoid being recognized while out and about in Britain. This behavior may stem from his mother, Princess Diana, also wearing disguises in public.

In addition to his disguises, Harry reportedly has a phobia of staying in hotels. Quinn revealed that during his last visit to the U.K., Harry had to leave a hotel while in disguise because he was uncomfortable with the idea of being watched by the media. This fear extends to staying with friends, as Harry is convinced that he is always being monitored, leading to further security concerns.

This extreme need for privacy was highlighted in February when Harry’s court bid to obtain British taxpayer-funded security for himself and his family during their visits to the U.K. was denied. Despite not working for the Crown or residing in Britain, Harry and his legal team have continued to push for security funding, citing concerns for their safety.

Following the court’s decision, Harry’s team announced their intention to appeal, seeking a fair and lawful application of the security rules in place. The Duke of Sussex has been granted the right to appeal the ruling, adding to the ongoing legal battles he faces, including disputes with the British press.

During his brief visit to the U.K. in May 2024, Harry attempted to personally pay for extra police protection, but this effort was unsuccessful in court. Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams noted that Harry’s concerns about security may be influenced by the tragic events that led to his mother’s death, as well as threats from far-right extremists targeting him and his family.

Despite the challenges he faces in obtaining taxpayer-funded protection as a non-working royal, there may be some sympathy for Harry’s situation. The ongoing legal battles and security concerns shed light on the complexities of Harry’s position within the royal family and his efforts to navigate his public and private life.

In a related development, the Heritage Foundation has sued Homeland Security regarding Prince Harry’s visa application, adding another layer of complexity to the Duke of Sussex’s ongoing legal challenges. As Harry continues to seek ways to balance his privacy and security concerns, his actions and decisions will likely remain in the spotlight.