
Orchestral Tribute Concert Raises Funds for Flood Victims in Rio Grande do Sul

The Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo (Osesp) recently held a special concert to honor the state of Rio Grande do Sul and raise funds for flood victims. The classical music group performed “Milonga para as Missões” by Gilberto Monteiro, with lights displaying the colors of the state.

The concert, which took place on June 5th and was announced by Osesp on June 6th, aimed to support those affected by the floods caused by heavy rains in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. All proceeds from the performance were donated to the Associação dos Funcionários da Fundação Orquestra Sinfônica de Porto Alegre (AFFOSPA).

The choice of “Milonga para as Missões” by Gilberto Monteiro was a heartfelt tribute to the people of Rio Grande do Sul. The entire revenue from the concert went to AFFOSPA to assist those impacted by the devastating floods. Donations can be made through PIX at 90.273.137/0001-02.

The orchestral performance not only showcased the talent of Osesp but also highlighted the spirit of solidarity and support for the community in times of need. The collaboration between Osesp and AFFOSPA serves as a beacon of hope and unity during challenging times.