The most important messages at a Glance:

man due to a firecracker explosion in Hamburg to imprisonment (15.06 p.m.)a woman blows in the centre of Tunis in the air (14.38 hrs)South Korea: sisters call for death penalty for her father (11.47 PM)singer-songwriter Ingo Insterburg is dead (10.03 PM)More Dead in severe storms in Italy (3.18 PM)

The News of the day:

+++ 21.45 PM: hundreds of migrants from Honduras to cross the border to Mexico +++

hundreds of migrants from Honduras have crossed on the way in the USA, the border river between Guatemala and Mexico. Men, women, and children overcame the high water-bearing river on the border river Suchiate on self-built rafts, or formed human chains in the water, in order not to be swept away, such as AFP journalists reported. The refugees wanted to bypass the police block on the border bridge.

+++ 21.06 at: Up to 500 AfD supporters and 1500 opponent to go in Freiburg on the road +++

After the alleged gang rape of a young woman appeared on Monday in the evening between 300 and 500 supporters of the AfD to the protests in Freiburg. According to a police spokesperson, the right-wing populist party of the logged-in rally in front of the city hall met to around 1500 counter-demonstrators. The situation was stable, the spokesman said. It’ll make “no direct”. More than a hundred police officers were therefore in use.

+++ 20: 08: Trump’s travels to synagogue attack on Tuesday, according to Pittsburgh +++

After the attack on a synagogue in Pittsburgh, US President, Donald Trump wants to visit the city on Tuesday. He wanted to bring his “support for the Jewish community”, said the spokesperson of the White house, Sarah Sanders, in Washington. The anti-Semites perpetrated the attack were killed on Saturday, eleven people and six more have been injured.

+++ 19.18 PM: After alleged rape demonstrations in Freiburg +++

After the alleged gang rape of an 18-Year-olds in Freiburg have formed on Monday evening two demonstrations in the city. The AfD was called to a meeting – speaker 300 to 500 people took part, according to a Police. Several groups formed a counter-demonstration, to warn against the instrumentalisation of the crime. Here, the police counted around 1500 people. Policemen kept the two groups. However, the AfD-train had to be diverted via another route, after counter-demonstrators him on the planned Route were blocked.

+++ 19.11 PM: minute of silence in the UN security Council for the victims of Pittsburgh +++

The UN security Council has paid tribute to the eleven victims of the attack in Pittsburgh with a minute of silence. The representatives of the 15 member States and all other participants got up on Monday morning (local time) prior to the beginning of the Meeting and remembered the eleven people who had been killed in the antisemitic attack on Saturday in a synagogue in Pittsburgh. “The world lowers her head in thought of those Murdered in Pittsburgh,” said the Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon. “Now is the time to unite and fight together against the wave of anti-Semitism, continents, languages, and cultures crossed.”

+++ 19.05: at: Macron recognizes Merkel’s return decision-making as a “dignified” paid +++

the President of France Emmanuel Macron has the decision of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to the gradual withdrawal from the policy of great respect. Macron described the step the Chancellor on Monday night as “very dignified” and “very respectable”.

+++ 17.20: state attorney investigating extreme right-wing Nordic division +++

The Kiel public Prosecutor’s office has begun an investigation against the extreme right-wing group’s Nordic Division. The investigations were directed against two men and a woman, said chief public Prosecutor, Henning Hadeler, the German press Agency. First of all, the “mirror had reported”. Accordingly, the suspicion of sedition and of the possible violation of the war weapons control act. The man behind the “Nordic Division” should be a neo-Nazi from Switzerland, it said.

at the end of September, had assured investigators homes are searched and weapons. Whether it was functional firearms or even weapons of war, examined according to the “mirror” at present, the state office of criminal investigation. There were no arrests, no.

+++ 17.08 PM: Live sheep as a threat against Moscow newspaper +++

The opposition Russian newspaper “Novaya Gazeta” has to suffer from a chain of mysterious threats. On Monday, Unknown to the three cages with the live sheep presented in front of the editorial building in Moscow, as the newspaper itself reported. The sheep Cloth were tied around his neck with the inscription “press”. In mid-October, a funeral wreath, with loop as well as a severed sheep’s head had been placed in front of the editorial office. The newspaper called on the police to determine the owner of the animals. A police spokesman confirmed the Agency Interfax, according to the input of a display.

The small “Novaya Gazeta” has as one of the few Newspapers in Russia, a government-critical course and researched levels of corruption and other abuse. Several employees of the sheet have been murdered, as in 2006, the journalist Anna Politkovskaya. The recent threats directed primarily against a journalist who reported on the use of Russian mercenaries in Syria.

+++ 17.06 PM: vocational schools are missing thousands of teacher +++

vocational schools could be missing in the coming years, according to a study of thousands of teachers. By 2020 alone, every year approximately 4000 new vocational teachers will be needed, revealed by the Bertelsmann Foundation study published. The only around 2000 graduates for teaching at vocational schools are, therefore, but. From 2025 could exacerbate the Situation even further. By 2030, half of the approximately 125,000 vet teachers according to the investigation of the educational researcher, Klaus Klemm, almost in retirement. The training is not keeping pace with the demand.

+++ 17.04 PM: first snow in lower altitudes +++

For the first Time this autumn in Germany, until in the deeper layers of snow. The cold air kept the snow line briefly up to 400 meters of fall, such as the German weather service (DWD) reported. In the southern black forest, the Swabian Alb and the Allgäu, there were up to 15 centimetres of snow. Winter with snow on the boulders, 1141 meters the highest mountain in Northern Germany showed, to see as on pictures.

+++ 16.56 Cologne: the Archdiocese reports new cases of abuse +++

The Archdiocese of Cologne has reported four suspected cases of sexual abuse. The Staatsanwalt properties in Bonn, Düsseldorf and Koblenz had been informed, was informed by the Archdiocese. It is about events from the 1970s and 1980s. The now successful messages based on new information from the person Concerned or on the findings of the internal file processing.

the accused was a priest from the Archdiocese of Cologne, where already the sanctions pronounced, and Church legal procedures had been initiated. All of the accused are currently in service. The public exercise of the priestly Ministry is. Vicar General Markus Hofmann assured that all findings would be passed on to the criminal authorities. Currently, more files would be systematically recorded and reviewed.

+++ 16.40: Frankfurt: world war II bomb found – 16,000 people to be evacuated +++

In Frankfurt, a bomb from the Second world war has been found. The fire Department blocked according to own parts of the district Gallus. Were affected, among other areas of the fair and a railway-line. Around 16,000 people were invited to bring in security. The defusing of the explosive device was planned for the night. How big is the bomb, was initially unclear.

+++ 16.17 PM: Russian Navy to follow Exercise in Nato announces marine area +++

The Russian Navy wants to prevent firing exercises off the Norwegian coast in an area where Nato is in the gym. The communication from the Norwegian air traffic control Avinor.

Avinor-note for civil pilots (“Notam”, “Notice to airmen”) is from an Area in front of Norway’s West coast in the amount of the city of Trondheim. Here are the Russian Navy in international waters by the 1 wool. to 3. November fire the missiles. The test area partly overlaps with the maneuver area of the Nato Exercise Trident Juncture 18, which is currently taking place in Norway.

The routine message to let the pilots make the decision to avoid the area, said Avinor-communication-in-chief Erik Lødding in the national radio NRK. The Norwegian military stated that the Russian Exercise and the maneuver Trident Juncture would not affect. Currently, around 50,000 soldiers from the Nato-countries are training in Norway for the Alliance, that is, the assistance for an attacked Nato member.

+++ 15.34 PM: plastic surgeon surgery without permission – imprisonment +++

A Munich-based beauty surgeon has operated on because of dangerous bodily injury to jail, because he, without the permission of the Department of health. The district court sentenced him on Monday to three years in prison and three years of professional. The court remained slightly under the request of the public Prosecutor’s office, which had called for three and a half years.

The man led to the view of the court’s operations, especially breast through magnification, although the health Department had banned due to the lack of Hygiene and safety standards, and finally even, the approval is withdrawn. The doctors have operated on “merrily” and his patients are not enough informed – for example, the fact that he had no liability insurance.

The defense had requested the spell – or, alternatively, at most a suspended sentence. The Condemned, who sees itself as the victim of a conspiracy, had already announced before the judgment, to appeal and to go “up to the European court of justice”.

+++ 15.06 PM: Hamburg: man must be due to firecracker explosion ten years in prison +++

In the process of a firecracker explosion on the Hamburg S-Bahn station Veddel, a 52-year-old German has been sentenced to ten years in prison. The defendant according to the court, on 17. December of last year, a plastic bag with 73 screws and two pyrotechnic explosive devices on the platform turned off and after the Retraction of a S-Bahn ignited. The fire ball missed a passer-by. A passenger in the door area of the S-Bahn suffered a blast injury. The disc of wind protection was broken.

To load the 52-Year-old of no fixed abode in addition, the establishment of a explosives, explosion, serious bodily injury and property damage. The defender had argued for a sentence of imprisonment of under two years. He saw no evidence of a killing intent. At the trial the defendant had given to have two poles firecrackers ignited. He did scare people, but no one want to hurt.

+++ 15.01 PM: parish priest with umbrella 27 stabbed to death:-Years of Eight months after the violent death of a priest in a French-speaking Catholic community in Berlin-Charlottenburg, the alleged offender is before the court on trial +++

. The Cameroon-born man should have attacked the 54-year-old victim in an office with wooden figures, a flower basket and an umbrella. The 27-Year-old homicide. Compared to witnesses, he shall have it, and declared frankly, that he was under “control spirits”. His lawyers stated on Monday to the start of the process before the district court, the defendant will respond to at a later date.

The defendant was arrested a few hours later on the roof floor of a residential building in Berlin-Reinickendorf. He is now in a psychiatric hospital. The process is on December 31. October continued.

+++ 14.43 PM: attempt to form a government in Sweden fails again +++

Seven weeks after the parliamentary elections in Sweden, in a second attempt to form a government failed. The different positions are not compatible, that he could form a government, said the former Prime Minister and head of the social Democrats, Stefan Löfven. There had been, in spite of “frozen positions” but “more understanding”. The social Democrat had the right to a collaboration between the center and the center-left Block. Before him already the leader of the conservative Moderate party Ulf Kristersson was failed in mid-October, with the formation of the government.

+++ 14.38 PM: Heavy Explosion in downtown Tunis +++

In the centre of the Tunisian capital, Tunis, there has been a serious Explosion. A woman have blown themselves up near a police patrol on the Avenue Bourguiba in the air, it said on Monday from police circles. Photos on the Internet showed a huge column of smoke that rose above the city. The Central Boulevard of the interior Ministry and several international Hotels are located, was cordoned off. The Tunisian Minister of the interior spoke of at least nine injured.

+++ 14.32 PM: Eva Manesse is attracting a new town clerk of Mainz +++

The novel author Eva Menasse in the coming year in the Mainz town clerk’s apartment. The Vienna-born, Berlin-based succeeds from Anna Katharina Hahn, informed the city of Mainz. The common price of ZDF, 3sat, and the city of Mainz is part of the city write an apartment in the shadow of the Mainz Dom, a price money of 12.500 Euro. The award is expected to be in early March, 2019 as presented. The decision for the 35. Time issued prize for literature the Association of the Jury with the appreciation for “a great people teller, who writes with a fine empathy, and keen sense of Humor about fragile relations”.

+++ 14.29 PM: Seehofer wants to be able to deport more anchor centers in the whole of Germany +++

Also rejected asylum seekers, more consistent in their countries of origin, German interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) to more so-called anchor centers. “It would be best if we would get anywhere in Germany in all Federal States these anchor centres”, said Seehofer at the official opening of the anchor center for asylum seekers in Lebach in the Saarland. For the Return of rejected asylum seekers, which have no protection status, the Minister said: “This is the point, not lagging at the Moment in Germany that works well. You should also Express openly.” The Federal government would get involved in Feedback more. This can happen “only if the happening of the anchor centres”, says Seehofer.

+++ 13.10 PM: trial of Ex-nurse Högel: Now 100 murders are becoming a burden to him +++

A day before the start of the re-trial against the Ex-nurse Niels Högel, the number of alleged murder cases increased from 99 to 100. The indictment to 100. Case will co-negotiated, informed the district court of Oldenburg. The trial was moved because of the large number of procedures involved in the Weser-Ems-Hallen in Oldenburg, where the hearing on Tuesday begins at 9.00 am. It is expected, with over 120 in addition to plaintiffs.

Högel was already convicted in February of 2015, among other things, for murder in two cases and attempted murder to life imprisonment. At the time, also the special Severity of the fault was found. His Victims he is supposed to have according to the charge in the clinics of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst in the period from 2000 to 2005, a drug with deadly side effects injected. Investigators look into the deaths, the largest murder series in the German post-war history.

+++ 13.08 PM: Sauerland: husband returns drunk woman at the police +++

In the case of an Oktoberfest in the Sauerland region, a woman has drunk in such a way that her own husband, she put on short-hand in the drunk tank of the police. The 37-Year-old had celebrated on the weekend in Neuenrade boozy. Her husband had to pick them up in the night and go home, police said. But the woman’s behaviour was so aggressive that the 40-Year-old knew no other advice, as the next police control station. Because the woman continued to beat, the officials took you as her husband requested for the night in custody.

+++ 13.05 PM: mass rape in Freiburg: Against one of the Suspect’s arrest warrant was already in front +++

Against one of the alleged perpetrators in the Freiburg rape case, a warrant was, according to the Ministry of the interior already. This should be accomplished “police tactical reasons in connection with a further criminal action in a timely manner,” said a spokesman in Stuttgart. Previously, the “image”newspaper had reported that the alleged suspect had already been an arrest warrant sought. According to the Ministry, it is not unusual that a warrant of determination tactical reasons, it is not always implemented immediately.

+++ 12.34 PM: Bayern: Former officer in the Afghan army detained a +++

The Federal Prosecutor’s office in Bavaria, a former officer of the Afghan armed forces. Against the 26-Year-old had been sought on Friday arrest warrant, the investigating judge of the Federal court of justice, on suspicion of committing a war crime, informed the authority in Karlsruhe. He had been arrested a day earlier in the district of Ebersberg on a provisional basis.

The man is suspected to have, together with other prisoners to “cruel and inhuman treatment”. He should have beaten in an interrogation, among other things. He is sitting since his arrest in custody.

+++ 12.27 PM: watering: court examines the warrant of suspected Würth-kidnapper +++

In the process of the kidnapping of a billionaire’s son Würth checks, the regional court of Gießen a motion to dismiss the defendant from custody. The defence had made the request for the waiver of the warrant, after the survey of two voices-experts on Friday, said a court spokesman. A decision of the court he is not expected before the beginning of next week.

The 48-year-old defendant sitting since March in prison, the trial against him started in September. He kidnapped the disabled adult son of the baden-württemberg entrepreneur Reinhold Würth in June 2015 in the Hessian slot, and on the phone with three million Euro ransom demanded. After the failure of the Handover Markus Würth was found a day later in a forest near Würzburg intact to a tree chained. The investigators suspect that there were several perpetrators.

+++ 12.20 PM: Brussels: 130 flights due to a strike of the baggage workers +++

At the Brussels airport in Zaventem can not start due to a strike of the baggage workers today, every fifth flight. About 130 of the 630 Compounds from the most important airport of Belgium had been cancelled as the operator of the airport, announced on Monday the news Agency AFP. Already on the weekend work stoppage the Luggage of the workers had led to numerous flight cancellations.

The strike by employees of the Belgian company Aviapartner demand better working conditions. According to the news Agency Belga, the negotiations with the management Board and CEO of Aviapartner had led at the weekend, no agreement is reached. The strike will be continued accordingly, at least until Tuesday morning.

+++ 11.50 am: Philippines prepare for Typhoon “Yutu” + + +

In the Philippines, a new heavy Tai looms on Tuesday fun with storm surges. In the South-East Asian island state, the authorities imposed a storm warning for nearly 30 provinces in the North of the country. The Typhoon “Yutu” swirls currently, with gusts of up to 210 kilometers per hour in the Pacific. The Philippine weather Agency expected that he will meet on Tuesday morning (local time/CET night to Tuesday) in the provinces of Aurora and Isabela in the country.

meteorologists fear the storm surges and warned, in the Free stop. Before Yutu” heavy rain”, the risk of landslides and strong Wind. In September, more than 100 people had come to the Philippines due to the Typhoon “Mangkhut” and dies. Every year, about 20 storms hit the island state.

+++ 11.47 PM: South Korea: sisters call for death penalty for her father +++

In South Korea have supported up to now nearly 150,000 people on the Petition of three sisters, calling for her father the death penalty. “Our father is a despicable criminal who must be isolated from the society”, – stated in the on the Website of the President’s administration published a Petition. “We ask for the death penalty for him, in order to prevent further victims.” The father had stabbed the mother of the women in the past week. Prior to that, he had his Ex-wife for years, miss. The case had caused in the Asian country for a sensation and once more the lax attitude of the authorities to domestic violence. Often domestic violence remains in South Korea with impunity. Offenders are often required only to consultations or subpoenas.

In South Korea enshrined the death penalty is still the law, the last execution took place in 1997. De facto, South Korea is regarded as one of the countries which have abolished the death penalty.

+++ 11.33 PM: Indonesia: rescuers find plane crash body parts +++

After the crash of a passenger plane in Indonesia, rescue recovered by the forces of the body parts. The 189 inmates of the machine of the airline Lion Air are “probably” dead, informed the task forces on Monday. The plane disappeared for a moment after the Start of the Indonesian capital of Jakarta from the Radar and from yet unknown causes in the sea plunged.

The first in August was commissioned in the Boeing 737 MAX had been repaired, according to the company shortly before the Start due to a technical problem. The contact of the plane broke off, according to the Indonesian Ministry of transport, approximately 13 minutes after the Start. Accordingly, the crew had asked a short time before, to be able to the airport to Jakarta return.

+++ 11.26 PM: foreigners authority denies expulsion of Turkish journalists +++

Hamburg’s foreigners ‘ authority has denied reports about an alleged expulsion of the Turkish journalists Adil Yigit. For Yigit no expulsion had been arranged, also a deportation of the man had not planned, Betebet said the authorities in the Morning. At the weekend, the newspaper “taz”, for the critics of the Turkish heads of state, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, writes had reported about it.

According to information provided by the Hamburg authority for foreigners Yigits was rejected the request for an extension of his temporary residence permit because the statutory conditions were not fulfilled. This rejection was connected “by default” with a request to depart. In the know will assured him, but “at the same time in writing” that he “will be given after the occurrence of the stock force, a residence permit”.

+++ 10.50 PM: Brenner motorway blocked yet again. + + +

After a Mudslide, the burner has been blocked motorway in South Tyrol again. The distance between Brennero and vipiteno in Italy was due to “exceptional events” in both directions, said the operator in the Morning. On the eve of a mudslide after heavy rain on the important traffic axis off, several vehicles were captured. There were no serious injuries. In the meantime, the highway was open again. Also on Monday, the storm stopped. The news portal reported that there is a risk that an electric line falls on the highway.

+++ at 10: 47: 2019 probably not the end of the time changeover +++

The Austrian presidency of the EU Council is not expecting any end of the changeover between summer and winter time next year. Although a majority of the member States for the abolition of the DST change to 2019 would be many but it is too early, said the Austrian Minister of transport Norbert Hofer in a Meeting with his EU colleagues in Graz.

In August, had voted in a large majority of the participants in a Europe-wide survey for the abolition of the time change. Subsequently, the EU Commission presented a proposal: Already in 2019 should be converted accordingly, for the last Time, the watches. The governments of the member States and the European Parliament would have to agree.

+++ 10.30 PM: Magdeburg: group attacks two men with a migration background, to +++

In Magdeburg, two young men with an immigrant background on Sunday are attacked by a larger group of people and punches have been injured. According to initial witness statements, the group had consisted of 25 to 30 offenders, police said in the capital of Saxony-Anhalt. The two victims had worn nasal bone fractures and multiple hematomas on her face. The men, aged 18 and 28 years, were together with a woman on a road. According to the findings of the police they met there on a first group that you offended. They went then further to a bus stop, where she was attacked by the larger group, suddenly. This was also seen by other witnesses. The investigation of the incident ran.

+++ 10.10 PM: Bayern: Unknown tensioned wire rope on the ICE route +++

to come On the ICE line from Nuremberg in the direction of Munich, the Bavarian Landeskriminalamt (LKA), about three weeks ago, a serious incident. At the height of the middle of the mountain, the train driver had noticed the Franconian during the journey, a suspicious noise, and at the Terminus in Munich, the damage to the ICE found, said a police spokesman on Monday.

investigators later found at the track a Drohschreiben in the Arabic language. It is generally held that without a specific event. “We still take it very seriously,” the spokesman said. Now, the Bavarian, who Central office for the combating of extremism and terrorism. According to “Bild”-newspaper Unknown, had clamped on the track, a steel cable across the tracks and wooden wedges on the rails mounted. The LKA did not want to speak first from a stop, the speech was of am dangerous intervention in the railway service.

+++ 10.03 PM: singer-songwriter Ingo Insterburg is dead +++

The singer-songwriter Ingo Insterburg (“I loved a girl”) is dead. He died last Saturday at the age of 84 after a short illness in Berlin, such as his longtime music Manager Frank Nietsch of the German press Agency said. Previously, the “WAZ had reported”.

The singer-songwriter had established at the end of the 1960s, together with Comedian Karl Dall, the actor Jürgen Barz and the author of Peter Ehlebracht, the Band Insterburg & Co. This gained cult status with a new type of entertainment on the stage, was a role model for Comedians such as Otto and Mike Krüger.

+++ 9.44 PM: Russia: a circus-lioness bites four-year-old in the face +++

A circus-lioness has bitten during a performance in the South of Russia, a four-year-old girl. It had been injured in the face and was taken to the hospital. According to Reports in Russian media from the Morning, the authorities referred to the state of health of the child as stable. It had been operated on after the incident on Sunday in the Krasnodar Region in the Caucasus. The girl was sitting, therefore, in the first row behind a fence.

In a Video that was taken of spectators and local media was widely used, is to see how the animal tamer breaks loose and the child runs. Spectators helped the girl. The circus Director has been arrested.

+++ 9.36 PM: After Mudslide: Brenner motorway open again +++

After a Mudslide, the burner is opened motorway in South Tyrol. She was again run in both directions, said a spokesman for the motorway operator, in the Morning. The important transport axis was locked between Brennero and vipiteno on the Italian side, after on Sunday after a storm the dog on the roadway were slid. Several cars were captured and put to see Videos of the fire was. According to local media, there was a slightly injured. The railway line was temporarily blocked.

+++ 8.45 PM: authorities: Probably not all of the 189 passengers of crashed plane dead +++

in The crash of an Indonesian passenger aircraft in all of the 189 people aboard the plane are likely to be killed. The Indonesian Search and Rescue Agency said, after hours of long search, that there was no evidence of Survivors. Meanwhile, the first death had been the victims recovered. The Boeing 737 of the low cost carrier Lion Air was briefly overthrown after the Start in the capital, Jakarta, into the sea. According to the airline, the machine had technical problems.

+++ 8.35 PM: China: at Least 19 Dead in mining disaster +++

In a mining accident in the East of China, at least 19 people have been killed. As the Xinhua news Agency reported, could be saved a Coal miner alive after a shaft collapsed in a mine in the province of Shandong in two Places. Two other miners are still missing.

Because of the lack of safety measures in Chinese mines again and again to deadly accidents. According to official statistics, 375 miners died in the past year.

+++ 8.32 PM: Hamburg: magnet angler pulls mine grenade from the Alster +++

An Angler has in Hamburg a two-inch-thick mine garnets from the Alster lake fished. According to the police, the man was a so-called magnetic angler who brings with the help of a magnet objects out of the water. Here he carried on Sunday district of alsterdorf, below a bridge, the grenade into the light of day, a police spokesman said. He then informed the police. The ordnance bomb disposal unit transported the grenade in a professional manner. According to a report of “Day 24” it was the grenade is dangerous and the ammo could detonate. The police have not confirmed this information.

Only at 10. October had been found two grenades in the river Alster. Divers at the explosive ordnance disposal service had identified a rifle grenade and a grenade.

+++ 8.21 PM: Pakistan: Bus plunges hundreds of feet deep – at least 17 Dead +++

In a bus accident in Pakistan at least 17 people have been killed. The Bus plunged hundreds of meters deep in a river, as the police announced on Monday. Among the dead were at least one child and three women, according to a clinic doctor. The cause of the disaster was still unclear. The travelers had been in the night on the way to Rawalpindi, near the capital, Islamabad. The accident occurred near the town of Kohistan in Northern Pakistan.

Heavy traffic accidents are an everyday occurrence in Pakistan, and transport are ignored, rules are often and safety standards are not adhered to. In addition, the roads are often abysmal. According to the statistics authority about 5000 people in the country die in traffic accidents per year.

+++ 8.13 PM: hambach forest: the train stops just before permanently chained protesters +++

On the outskirts of the protests in the Rhenish brown coal district, a serious accident may have been prevented. A railcar would have been overtaken, near the Hambacher forest close to two protesters who had chained themselves to the tracks. A spokeswoman for the police told the Morning about the incident by late Sunday afternoon. The engineer initiated emergency braking. The railcar was 10 meters in front of the chained, who had positioned himself against the onset of darkness there.

The driver suffered a shock. The police transported by the mining operator RWE rented car around 40 people had been taken to the track-occupation of the Hambach-Bahn in custody. They remained unharmed. How many people in the protests, was detained or in custody have been taken, could not tell the police on Monday morning.

+++ 6.13 PM: migrants-caravan: One dead after clashes with police +++

In the case of the so-called migrants-caravan in the direction of the United States, a man from Guatemala after clashes with police died. Guatemalan authorities have confirmed the death of 26-Year-old on Sunday (local time). It was unclear whether he was injured in a use of police officers from Guatemala or Mexico. The incident had occurred on the border of the two countries.

The man had been injured by a rubber bullet in the head and later in a hospital in the Guatemalan city of Tecun Uman died. According to media, around ten people have been injured, reports in the clashes.

+++ 6.05 PM: Freiburg: Demo and counter-demo to the mass rape of an 18-Year-old +++ Freiburg group rape: there May be more than eight perpetrators – the policy

responding to The alleged mehrfacHey rape of an 18-year-old student in Freiburg calls again protesters on the street. While the right wing called tables AfD for the evening to a meeting, to warn against demonstrators in front of the instrumentalisation of the crime.

After a Disco visit to the young woman on the night of the 14. October of several men raped her. The police reported eight arrests. Against seven Syrians at the age of 19 to 29 years, and a 25-year-old German urgent suspicion, there it was. A 13-member “investigation Club” cooperates with the state office of criminal investigation (LKA) in Stuttgart. The police considers it possible that there are other perpetrators.

+++ 5.53 PM: Afghanistan: Several injured in attack on election workers +++

In a suicide attack on employees of the Afghan election Commission in the capital, Kabul, several people were injured. The attackers have blown themselves up 20 meters from the vehicles to the independent electoral Commission in the air, a police spokesman said on Monday. Accordingly, four employees of the election Commission, and two police officers were injured.+

After the parliamentary elections in Afghanistan are being brought ballot boxes from all over the country to the Headquarters of the election Commission in Kabul. The elections had been marred by bloody attacks with many dead and injured. The Islamist Taliban had called for a Boycott of the vote, with attacks threatened.

+++ 5.07 PM: Israel: the most serious measles outbreak in ten years +++

Israel experienced the most severe outbreak of the measles for the past ten years. More than 820 cases have been registered, according to information from the Ministry of health in Jerusalem this year so far. It has, however, been no deaths.

The highly contagious Virus may have consequences in the very severe course of the disease serious of late. The disease with flu-like symptoms and later a characteristic rash accompanied by skin. It weakens the immune system, and can in very rare cases, fatal. Dangerous measles, especially for infants and small children.

“We assume that the reason for the current outbreak, the introduction of cases to Israel by travelers and the following spread among unvaccinated contact persons”, informed the Ministry of health. 90 percent of the Patients had not been vaccinated against measles. The vaccination rate in Israel, spent stable at 97 percent for the first dose, and 96 percent for the second dose.

+++ 3.18 PM: Italy: Several people Dead after heavy storms +++

A severe storm with heavy rain and Gale-force winds hit large parts of Italy and several of the people cost the lives of. The bad weather front, it should grow on Monday, the emergency services and the civil protection prepared of all places. The Brenner motorway is blocked after a Mudslide on Sunday evening. Also the burner line of the railway was blocked for security reasons.

Four men were killed in the southern Region of Calabria. They had been killed in the vicinity of the city of Crotone by a landslide, as they wanted to repair a storm destroyed the pipe, reported to the police on Sunday, according to news agencies. At the port of Catanzaro in Calabria, the boot tip of Italy, the fire brigade found a dead, after a sail was the boat of the flow has been torn.

+++ 0.45 PM: Brazil: election winner Bolsonaro announces radical policy change +++

After his victory at the presidential election in Brazil, the right-wing populist Jair Bolsonaro has announced a radical change of policy. “I’m going to change the fate of the country,” said the Ex-military on Sunday. “Now is not flirting with socialism, communism, populism, and the left-wing extremism.”

However, the ultra-rights, Ex-military, was also conciliatory. He spoke of a “Brazil of the different opinions, colors, and orientations.” In the hardball election campaign, Bolsonaro had denigrated even minorities and Left and of the “cleansing” rants.

While his trailer in Bolsonaro is one of the few honest politicians see the cleaning up of the corruption and crime going on, to see his opponent in him a danger for the fledgling democracy in Brazil. The former paratrooper, is regarded as a sympathizer of the military dictatorship. “Our government will be the true constitutional and democratic,” he said.

+++ 0.27 PM: Algeria: President Bouteflika aims for probably the fifth term of +++

The health to run weak at heart long-time President of Algeria, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, seems to be in the parliamentary elections next spring for a fifth term. The Secretary General of his ruling National liberation front (FLN), Djamel Ould Abbes, the media announced that according to reports, on Sunday in the Parliament. “In the FLN, we have only one choice. The candidate for 2019 is Abdelaziz Bouteflika,” – quoted by the French international broadcaster Radio France International.

As the preferred candidate of the military, Bouteflika in 1999, the head of state had been chosen. He survived the popular protests in the Arab world in 2011, and has been, in spite of his ailing health status in the spring of 2014, after a constitutional amendment – re-elected. In the meantime, he sits in a wheelchair, and after several strokes in the past few years, hardly in Public. In February of last year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had to cancel to visit even in the short term, because of the health condition of Bouteflika’s allowed a Meeting.

+++ 0.13 at: Leicester City confirmed: club owner dies in helicopter crash +++

The owner of English football club Leicester City is in the crash of his helicopter were killed. As the Premier League club announced on Sunday evening, died of the Thai billionaire Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha at the misfortune of the previous day. The crash occurred on Saturday night shortly after a game between Leicester and West Ham United. “With the deepest Regret and a broken heart, we confirm that our President Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha is among those who have tragically lost their lives when a helicopter carrying him and four other people, crashed outside the King Power Stadium,” it said in the Club statement. “None of the five occupants survived.”

In the case of the other Victims according to police, two employees of the 60-Year-old, the pilot and another passenger. “The world has lost a great man,” said Leicester City. Under Vichais leadership of the Association had been a “family”. On Tuesday is to be designed in the stadium will be a condolence book. In addition, a game was postponed against Southampton. The machine of Vichai was ousted on Saturday after the Start in the stadium to a Parking lot and gone up in flames.

+++ 0.07 at: environment Agency: air pollution biggest health risk in Europe +++

air pollution in Europe is still too high. This is one of the of the European environment Agency (EEA) published a Report on air quality in Europe in 2018. According to the Agency, based in Copenhagen air pollution is the main reason for premature deaths in 41 European countries. Based on data from more than 2500 monitoring stations in the whole of Europe. Despite slow progress, the limits of the European Union and the world health organization, WHO, in many places, would be exceeded.

For the year 2015, the researchers come to about of 442,000 calculated premature deaths associated with air pollution, of which approximately 391.000 in the 28 EU member States. Causes about of fine dust, ground-level ozone, and nitrogen dioxide. They can cause or aggravate respiratory ailments, cardiovascular diseases or cancer and led to a shortened service life, so the EEA. As the main sources of the pollution, the report identifies road transport, power generation, agriculture, industry and private households.

tkr / dho / DPA / AFP