Düsseldorf: man running with Bruce Lee by the station – animal confiscated

With a artgeschützten Constrictor around the neck of a 36 invites to a stroll-Year-old the düsseldorf main station and triggered a deployment of the Federal police. The 1.80-Meter-long reptile of the species Boa Constrictor had been seized, informed the fire brigade Düsseldorf, which identified the animal on Saturday evening. The alleged owner had not been able to prove that the animal really belong. In addition, the Wearing of the queue in the Public, not to be understood “welfare”.

On Sunday should be handed over to the snake, an animal Park, to begin a new life – “until then, you will receive in a warm place at the fire Department shelter,” it said.

news from Saturday, 28. October

Berlin: Violent confrontation in and above the Local 23-Year-old dies

around three o’clock in the morning it is in and to come in front of a Berlin’s Local a severe conflict: according to the mid was in the Prinzenallee in Berlin-a “variety of persons” who had been involved in an armed, some with “objects such as Axes, Hammers, and baseball bats” turned on each other. The police announced in a press release. Witnesses had reported to the officials of shots. Neither the shots, nor a round of poker as a trigger of the dispute, such as the B. Z. reported by , was confirmed by the police so far.

A 23-year-old woman was seriously injured and succumbed a little later in a hospital of her injuries. Whether the woman was killed by a shot, had the autopsy, quoted the “daily mirror” a police spokeswoman. The alerted security forces have found in addition, a seriously injured 39-year-old man in the Local. The investigations were now of the 3. Homicide, the police.

news from Friday, 27. October

Michelstadt: man in shopping centre In the Hessian town of Michelstadt has a 51-year-old man after closing time, deliberately in a shopping centre include, to be able to “stomach”, as reported by the police.

Thus, the man triggered without a fixed residence against 23.15 an Alarm and called the security service of the building on the Plan. Staff made the 51-Year-old on a tour of inspection at a Sushi counter to find that he had already operated. The man was detained until the Arrival of the police. If he has catered for more food, was currently being reviewed. Against the accused will now be determined due to heavy shoplifting.

Herne: Incorrect Fundraiser fails on Senior a

In Herne, Germany, has robbed a fraudulent Fundraiser for a handicapped man and repeatedly punched in the face. According to police, the woman had raised the 86-Year-old, was with his electric scooter on the road, and to make a donation for an alleged collective action for deaf and dumb children asked.

The man handed the woman five euros, this led to embrace the Senior out of “thanks”. In fact, they had other intentions: the trick took advantage of a thief the Moment to the man, but also the rest steal money from the wallet. The 86-Year-old noticed this however, and tried to the woman by the Arm. Then the woman struck him several times with his fist in the face before she ran velvet prey to a nearby parked car of an accomplice, and swelled. The pensioners have suffered in the attack, fortunately, only minor injuries, wrote the officials.

you are now looking for the young woman, who is described as follows:

approximately 20 to 30 years altetwa 170 centimeters tall and sturdy stature, long dark, to a strict braid-bound Haaremit bright top, as well as a longer thin down jacket, wearing

Potential witnesses can contact the phone numbers 02323 / 950-8510 and 0234 / 909-4441 with the police, once again, the urgency of fraudulent Fund-raisers warns. These were often older victims, the reported self-health were limited, and experience has shown that a “Big heart” would be the officials.

Cologne: Drunken mind cyclists on the A4 on the way

With your Call to the police have two drivers, a 17-year-old mind cyclists saved on the A4 near Cologne, probably the life. The caller reported a young man who was at the time of the night calling to the passing strip of the motorway, the police announced. But that’s not enough – he drove without lighting.

the highway cops blocked with their vehicles, the A4, in order to prevent a collision with the cyclist. A second Patrol car spotted the young man in Berlin, could not move him but also to Stop. Instead, the 17-Year-old turned well and cycled in the opposite direction, to the left, then the highway “properly” to exit.

in the meantime, there arrived the patrol car crew caught up with the drunken young man from the wheel, as he wanted to ascend in spite of good words back to the highway. The 17-Year-old now expects a procedure due to various traffic violations.

Erfurt: man steals hotel room key and makes it more comfortable

A 28-Year-old stole in Erfurt, the key to a hotel room and there quartered. The theft flew up, because the key was missing, as the actual guest wanted in his room, the police announced. A hotel employee went on Thursday evening to the room and found the burglar, who had made it convenient. Previously, he had served on the Minibar. He fled initially, but was shortly afterwards arrested by the police. The officers found a small amount of drugs on him. Against him is now being investigated for theft and violation of the narcotics act.

Cologne: Trucks covered workers on highway construction site

On the A3 near Cologne in Germany a Truck in a highway crashed into construction site and injured one worker fatal. The 39-year-old truck driver from Cologne, was driving at around 4.30 in the direction of Frankfurt, as yet, unknown cause in the construction site, police said on Friday. The two colleagues of the deceased 49-year-old Cologne had remained unharmed – but suffered a shock, as was the Truck driver and his passenger.

The A3 between Asyabahis Köln-dellbrück and autobahn Kreuz Köln-Ost, direction Frankfurt locked. The blocking will continue until 8.00 a.m., said a spokesman for the police.

news of Thursday, 25. October

Potsdam: 29-Year-old cyclist in the face and tellszt

In Potsdam, a 29 was injured-Year-old in an attack with a corrosive liquid, heavy. As reported by the police, was the man on Thursday with the bike on the road, when a dark dressed man poured suddenly a not further designated corrosive liquid from a beaker into his face. The cyclist crashed, managed to but their own power in a hospital. The injuries were deemed so severe that he was transferred to a special clinic.

The alarmed police secured evidence at the crime scene, the Background and motive of the act are still unknown. The injured cyclist interrogation was not initially capable of.

Upcycling different 21-Year-old motorized beer brings a box of 50 kilometres an hour

In Baden-Württemberg, a young man demonstrated ingenuity and craftsmanship with an unconventional Upcycling project. In the end it brought him, however, a criminal case.

Leipzig: tram captures the man and drags him with

In the Leutzsch district of Leipzig is collected on Thursday morning, a man from the tram and around 120 meters wide has been dragged. He suffered severe injuries, such as, among others, the MDR reported. Accordingly, the man tried to climb over the coupling between two carriages and was dragged along.

A9 in the case of mount: driver dismantled a 100,000-Euro-hearse

A hearse converted luxury sports car has a driver disassembled in an accident on the highway 9 in upper Franconia. The high-powered, shiny, gold-coloured car from the Italian Carrara came with a mountain in the district court on a wet road, skidded and crashed into a guardrail, the police announced. The 58-year-old driver was, according to initial investigations, on Wednesday to fast – on the way to Berlin to accept a “suitable job”, as it was said. He remained unharmed. The value of the luxury cars, the police estimated to be about 100,000 euros.

Leverkusen, Germany: in Front of the house sleeping woman fatally

run over A sleeping woman without a fixed abode has been injured in the night of Thursday in front of a house in Leverkusen by a car deadly. A 26-year-old drunk drivers should be to have caused the accident and then fled, as the police in Cologne said. The suspect called later at the police station in Leverkusen, Germany, and was arrested.

The 69-year-old woman was reported in front of the building in Leverkusen-Wiesdorf asleep when the motorist lost control of his car and right into a pharmacy in the house threw. The Doctors were not able to help the victim, the woman died later in a hospital. The police are now looking for accident witnesses.

Bochum: man wants to hollow out the pumpkin and cuts himself in the chest

in The Hollow of a Halloween pumpkin has added a man in Bochum, a severe cut in the chest. The mid-thirties slipped with the knife, the police announced on Thursday. After the unusual household accident Wednesday he needs to spend the Halloween night likely to be in the hospital.

The police took the accident as an occasion, when dealing with the device all kind of properties call for caution. “Given the occasion, we ask the do-it-yourselfers and hobby gardeners, the many Housewives and house husbands, as well as all recreational athletes, in their ‘Out – and indoor activities are always extreme caution”, warned the vigilante.

Berlin: a policeman in civilian clothes severely injured

In Berlin, a police officer has been injured by an alleged Bicycle thief hard. The “BZ” reported, was the officer out of service on Wednesday evening on the way home, as he was on a S-Bahn station on the suspects carefully, because this made to create to a parked Bicycle. The 44-Year-old was sent to as a police officer and wanted to take the unknown man that pulled a knife and immediately several times stabbed.

according to The report, the officer broke down and was left with severe injuries to the torso and the legs. Alerted rescue forces served the 44-Year-old on the spot, before they took him to a hospital, where he was emergency surgery. Danger to life is not, there is explained a spokeswoman to the sheet. The suspect fled, however, go undetected, even using a helicopter with a thermal imaging camera could not make the man. this DNA had been secured fingerprints at the scene-traces and finger.

Dobel is a supermarket, a hand grenade

Rob Armed with a hand grenade and guns of two masked men in baden-württemberg, Dobel have invaded on Wednesday evening in a supermarket. “During the Raubtat was threatened to throw the hand grenade into the Store,” police said. A cashier had been held in addition, a gun to his temple. Then the perpetrators escaped with a low four-figure sum to walk away.

news of Wednesday, 24. October

St. Peter-Ording: a dead whale washed up

A dead pilot Whale was washed up on the North sea beach of St. Peter-Ording in Schleswig-Holstein. The animal instinct in the face of its rotting condition probably already several days dead in the sea, such as the Wadden sea national Park announced on Thursday. Pilot whales occur regularly in the North Atlantic, are to be found in the North sea, but rare.


employees of the national Park for the protection of the sea to measure the stranded pilot Whale

©Benjamin Nolte Picture-Alliance

The carcass was brought by the Institute for Terrestrial and aquatic wildlife research for the investigation to Büsum. According to information from the national Park expressed an interest in the skeleton of the whale then, for environmental education purposes. Just a few weeks ago had been found in front of St. Peter-Ording, a dead Minke whale.