the messages in The Short Overview:

British police summarizes DoppelgangeR of the “Friends”Star (16.02 hours), and real estate Association: No end to the housing shortage in large cities, in view of (13.25 hours), and auxiliary nurse in Munich is under the age of six counts of murder suspicion (12.12 PM)Five young people, provide chase with police (10.53 PM)Spahn wants to introduce a digital prescription (5.07 PM)

The News of the day in the star-Ticker:

+++ 18.03 PM: Three people in Frankfurt by S-Bahn captures – a-dead +++

In a S-Bahn station in Frankfurt am Main, Germany a man on Tuesday, has been hit by a train and killed. Two other people were recorded at the time of the accident in the Station of Ostend street from the train, but were able to exempt, and in hospitals, as the Frankfurt fire and rescue services. “In addition to the driver two people had to be on the platform at the medical care.”

+++ 18.00: report: May want to submit Brexit agreements on Wednesday, Cabinet of Ministers +++

The British Prime Minister Theresa May will present her Cabinet on Wednesday, with the EU Commission negotiated Brexit-agreements for testing. The news Agency Press Association reported, citing government circles. British media reports, were convened in the evening several Ministers individually in Downing Street.

+++ 17.11 PM: CNN is suing Trump because of exclusion of a reporter +++

The American broadcaster CNN filed in conflict with the White house to one of his journalists ‘ lawsuit against the US President, Donald Trump and other members of the government. The media informed the company.

The company would take action before the district court in Washington against the withdrawal of accreditation for the CNN Reporter Jim Acosta for the White house. Trump had arranged a battle of words with the journalists at a press conference on Wednesday, Acosta’s exclusion in person.

CNN calls for the return of the accreditation, which regulates, among other things, the access to Acosta’s to press conferences in the White house. The “unlawful” suspension violated both the transmitter as well as Acosta in their Rights to freedom of the press and due process.

+++ 16.45: the Palestinian cease-fire announce-Israel +++

Palestinian Militants groups in the Gaza strip have announced following the recent escalation of violence, a cease-fire with Israel. The cease-fire had been mediated by Egypt, it was the Declaration by the Palestinians groups, including in the Gaza strip, the ruling radical Islamic Hamas. From the Israeli side, there was initially no opinion.

+++ 16.33 PM: police in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania saves hundreds of letters from recycled paper +++

a Total of 427 mail the police at Wismar in Mecklenburg, and has recovered-Vorpommern from a waste paper container. Including registered mail, travel documents and authorities were letters, informed the officials. A local resident had several unopened pieces of mail discovered, as he wanted to dispose of waste paper. Subsequently, the police let the Container seize and open.

The letters were all addressed to recipients in a district. You should crime be investigated and the Post is returned. The police determined due to the violation of the secrecy of correspondence against Unknown.

+++ 16.02 PM: British police summarizes DoppelgangeR of the “Friends”Star +++

The British police have a beer thief caught, had made its great Similarity with the one from the US television series “Friends” actor David Schwimmer headlines. After the search for a man, “a well-known actor of similar looks”, it had now been a suspect identified, wrote to the police in the North West Blackpool, England, in the short message service Twitter. A 36-Year old has been arrested. “Thank you for the support, especially to David Schwimmer!”

The police from Blackpool had asked last month for help in tracking down a man who had stolen a Load a pallet of beer. She has published pictures from a security camera, and was flooded with information from Twitter users pointing out the Similarity to the “Friends”Star.

+++ 15.33 PM: Merkel calls for European army +++

Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken in favour of the idea of a European army. “We should work on the Vision to one day create a real European army,” said Merkel in a speech in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

+++ 15.09 PM: container with radioactive cesium at highway diner +++

found A slightly radioactive cesium-filled container was found on a motorway service area in the vicinity of the lower Saxony Rotenburg an der Wümme. The rest area itself was not affected by radioactive radiation, the police announced in Rotenburg. Where the container originates, was unclear.

according to The figures, a so-called cesium emitters the size of a battery was in the lead tank. The substance cesium is used mainly for measurements in industrial plants. The half-life of the chemical is around 30 years.

+++ 14.59 PM: Foundation stone for new mosque in Erfurt +++

In Erfurt has been laid the Foundation stone for the construction of a new mosque. The house of worship of the Ahmadiyya community with dome and Zierminarett is built in the Erfurt District of Marbach, and is the first mosque construction in Thuringia. “For me, a mosque is part of our society, as well as a Church or a synagogue,” said Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (Left). Ramelow took part in addition to Erfurt’s mayor Andreas Bausewein (SPD) to the ceremony.

dozens of Islam’s opponents protested on the sidelines of the Foundation stone was laid against the construction of the mosque. Called the rally the so-called citizen’s movement Pax Europa, which warns of Islamization of Europe, and the local people’s movement in Erfurt shows face.

+++ 13.58 PM: Romania rejects criticism of EU Parliament and EU Commission +++

Romania’s Prime Minister, Viorica Dancila and your party Chairman Liviu Dragnea rejected on Tuesday in Bucharest the expected criticism of the EU Parliament and the EU Commission. Both leaders of the Romanian social Democrats (PSD), stressed that the positions of Strasbourg and Brussels are less important than the real problems of the country.

The EU Parliament criticized in a Resolution of Romania’s plans for a reorganisation of the judiciary in focus. These plans have the potential to weaken the fight against corruption, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. Similar allegations have been expected in the test report of the EU Commission, which will be published on Tuesday afternoon should.

+++ 13.54 PM: “Monster of the Ardennes” is back in court +++

a Good ten years after the conviction as a serial killer Michel Fourniret in France back before the court. The charges against the 76-Year-old, in 1988, a woman killed in the vicinity of Paris, in order to get a valuable treasure of gold from Bank robberies. Before the court in Versailles, West of Paris, must be responsible for his 70-year-old Ex-wife, Monique Olivier for alleged state aid, the AFP news Agency reported. The process is due to end on Friday.

Fourniret, the media also “Monster of the Ardennes” baptized, and Olivier had been sentenced in may 2008 to life in prison. Fourniret had kidnapped seven young girls and women between the ages of 12 to 21 years, in France and Belgium, raped and murdered. His former wife helped him.

As the daily newspaper “Le Monde” reported with a view to the new process, confessed to Fourniret in the course of the investigation, the fact. There had been no sexual Assault, he had only been at the prey of interested – some 20 kilograms of Gold.

+++ 13.50 at: France, the attacks intends to do with 130 dead three years ago, + + +

With a national commemorative celebration, France the Islamist attacks, with 130 dead three years ago is remembered. Head of government of Edouard Philippe and the Paris mayor, Anne Hidalgo, visited with families of the victims of the Stade de France football stadium, the concert hall, the Bataclan, and the other Paris stop places. There were minutes of silence and laid down flowers.

France, Merkel and Macron, and to commemorate the Victims of the First world war

The Prime Minister wanted to give the dead a symbolic “national medal of recognition for the victims of terrorism”. Unlike last year, President Emmanuel Macron took part in the memorial ceremony.

according to studies, many of the Survivors suffered for a long time about post-traumatic stress disorder, as they occur otherwise in the case of war victims. Almost 40 percent of those Affected were traumatized eight months after the attacks difficult, as studies have shown that the published by the health authorities.

+++ 13.25 PM: No end to the housing shortage in large cities in sight +++

The German real estate industry expects that the housing problem of the people in the big cities exacerbated in the coming years. “We will not be able to build in a timely manner so many apartments that you can all live in the city,” said the President of the Federal Association of German housing and real estate enterprises (GdW), Axel Gedaschko. It must be able, therefore, to make Living on the Land more attractive, and there is the infrastructure to expand.

The presented study, “housing trends to 2035” shows that tenants are still interested above all, of spacious apartments In a telephone survey of approximately 3000 people aged 18 years and 72 per cent expressed the desire for a medium-large to very large apartment. Only 6 percent want to live from the outset in a small apartment.

+++ 13.10 PM: jazz musicians Wolfgang Schlüter, at 85 years of age died +++

The jazz musicians Wolfgang Schlüter is dead. How his record company Skip Records said he died on Monday at the age of 85 following a stroke. In 1933, the Berlin-born musician wanted to be a classical solo paukist, but then switched to the vibraphone and Jazz. In 2001, he was awarded with the German jazz award and the 2013 Echo Klassik. He last lived in Henstedt-Ulzburg. He leaves behind a wife and two children and grandchildren.

+++ 12.12 PM: an auxiliary nurse in Munich under six times the suspicion of murder +++

to the beginning of the year in Munich arrested an auxiliary nurse is now under six times the suspicion of murder. The arrest warrant against the man was also extended to the allegations of the three counts of murder and three times as dangerous bodily injury, attempted, informed the police and the public Prosecutor’s office on Tuesday in the Bavarian capital. The Accused have confessed to the administration of Insulin to patients, for a killing intent he ride.

+++ 12.10 am: son of the Czech Prime Minister accuses father kidnapping +++

A son of the Czech Prime Minister, Andrej Babis, has let the statement sit up and take notice, he had been deported in the previous year of staff of his father, on which Russia annexed Crimea. “My father wanted me to disappear,” – quoted by the news portal “” the man. You’ve threatened him in a psychiatric ward under observation. The 35-year-old trained Pilot lives according to the figures available today in Switzerland.

Babis rejected the accusations, decided, and spoke of a “hunting on his family”. “The facts are clear: My son is mentally ill,” said the 64-year-old founder of the populist party ANO in the case of Facebook. The police and the public Prosecutor’s office announced, to deal thoroughly with the case. Opposition politicians such as the leader of the conservative party disclosure TOP09 spoke of “shocking and unacceptable”. In the Parliament a no-confidence vote threatens to Babis.

+++ 11.10 PM: priest bites police officer +++

A priest has bitten on the island of Crete a police officer. Officials had arrested the clergy, because he was visibly drunk, with the car backwards through the centre of the port city of Heraklion, hazards, and also a slight accident had caused, like the Greek TV station Skai reported. The incident happened already on Sunday evening. On the guard of the priests, smote then and bite one of the policemen to refuse to take an alcohol test. He needs to answer for insult and injury before the court.

+++ 10.53 PM: young people, provide chase with police in North Rhine-Westphalia +++

Five young people between the ages of 15 and 18 years have delivered in the night to Tuesday a chase with the police by Hamm and Dortmund in North Rhine-Westphalia. They were without a license in a van without a license on the road, the police announced.

The white van with the young people was a Patrol, because he was driving in snake-lines. The officials gave the driver sustained characters, the this ignored. Instead of stopping, the driver of the Van is Gas and raced by Hamm and one of the neighboring Casinoslot cities had Arrived, and Dortmund.

On a commuter Parking lot, the van stopped. There are five young people out of rose by. A 15-Year-old retreated. The other remained in the vehicle and were arrested by the police. The volatile 15-Year-old was later for a short time to be picked up. Against the five young people, the police are now investigating due to dangerous driving, driving without a license, forgery and unauthorized use of a vehicle.

+++ 10.23 PM: Tanker runs in Cologne at low water, on +++

A tank ship has hazards in the event of extreme low water on the Rhine in Cologne, Germany. No one was hurt and the ship was not broken, said a spokeswoman for the water police in Duisburg, Germany. It get anything from the cargo – 1200 tons of Diesel, and there is no danger of sinking. How to get the German-flagged ship at the best free again is still under consideration. Is possible, for example, to ease the load or to tow. The ship traffic is not affected.

The persistent low water boatmen on the Rhine, for months before the trouble. At the end of last week, a passenger ship with 125 people, was in Bonn on Board ran aground and got stuck for several hours.

+++ 09.44 am: the number of school beginners this year, virtually unchanged +++

The number of school beginners in Germany, is this year compared to 2017 has remained virtually unchanged. After the summer holidays 726.400 children have been enrolled in school, such as the Federal statistics office. The was only a slight increase of 0.2 percent compared to the previous year.

+++ 08.23 PM: inflation rate in October as high as in the past ten years +++

The consumer prices in Germany in October increased sharply in the last ten years. The inflation rate was 2.5 percent compared to the same month last year, as the Federal statistics office and its preliminary calculations confirmed. A higher inflation rate was last seen in September 2008, when consumer prices rose 2.8 percent. Compared to the previous month

Significantly more expensive in October compared to the previous month, mainly light heating oil (plus 39.9 per cent) and fuels (plus 14.8 percent). Without taking into account the energy prices, the inflation rate, statistics show that at 1.7 percent.

+++ 08.11 PM: lion baby in luxury car on the Paris Champs-Elysées +++

In Paris, the police has discovered and discovered again a lion cub. The animal was found in a Lamborghini on the Champs-Elysées, the police announced. The flashy car had previously been for a check-up stopped. The driver of the car was arrested, according to police and the lion’s baby was brought to safety.

The police had reported repeated findings of lion cubs in the French capital. Last month, a young was discovered the animal in an apartment in Paris. The one and a half months old female was found in a cot in the municipality of Valenton. The 30-year-old holder of the wild animal was trying to sell the lion cub, apparently.

+++ 07.54 PM: a 13-Year-old dies after Thai-Boxing match to brain hemorrhage +++

In the case of a Boxing match in Thailand, a 13-year-old student was fatally injured. The Boy crashed after a blow to his opponent with his head on the floor and suffered a brain hemorrhage. In a hospital near the capital, Bangkok, he succumbed to his injuries, the hospital announced. In the case of the fatal battle, he had worn no head protection.

The Boy had already begun as a small child with the martial art of Muay Thai also known as Thai Boxing. According to a report by the television station work point he was already at the age of eight years for the first Time for money. The fights will be played in front of paying audience. The winner gets in this age group for larger events, the money of 3000 Baht (the equivalent of about 80 Euro). Often the boys come from poor families.

+++ 06.18 PM: chemical accident in Frankfurt’s industrial Park – roads blocked +++

In the industrial Park in Frankfurt’s Griesheim district overturned car in the Morning, with a liquid chemical-Laden load. As the industrial Park is announced, it came out of initially unknown cause, “a material outlet in the case of a tank vessel”. The fire Department reported on its website, from a Container of hydrochloric acid fumes.

In Griesheim and the adjacent district of Nied were, as a precaution, triggered warning sirens, a police spokesman said. The residents were asked to keep doors and Windows closed. This is a standard procedure, said the spokesman. After the first measurements on the site and in the surroundings there is the outlet, but not a measurable Substance, and thus there is no danger to the population.

+++ 05.07 PM: Directly on the phone: Spahn wants to introduce by 2020 a digital recipe +++

Doctors may advise via video consultation patient – soon you should be able to execute medicine recipes digital. The following information of the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” a change in the law, the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) and the latest attack in 2020.

“that makes the electronic prescription telemedicine to a successful project,” said Spahn the sheet. That’s why he can do the frame, so that patients could in future be prescribed then medication, if you visited only a video consultation. “Telemedicine saves Doctors and patients time and effort – especially in the country and outside of normal practice opening hours.”

Spahn wants to commit to health insurance and cash medical associations, according to the report, to agree on rules to make drug recipes can be used exclusively in electronic Form. She has seven months time, after the amendment of the German drug law came into force. This is expected to happen in the spring of 2020. At the same time, the ban should be lifted, in accordance with the pharmacy regulation requiring medicines must not submit, if the physician has advised the patient at telemedicine.

+++ 05.05 PM: More than every fourth person Employed by working without a break +++

More than one in four Employees in Germany, works without a break. The answer of the Federal Ministry of labour, on the request of the left party in the Bundestag, the editors ‘ network Germany (RND) reports. As a reason, the majority of respondents (63 per cent) not to mention in addition to to a lot of work, that the time-out fit in the workflow. More than a quarter (26 per cent) claimed to just want to not break. 14 percent declared to have a break for a previous evening.

The respondents could name multiple reasons, and were not limited to one answer choice. The most common break failures the information to the hospitality, the care sector and im education area.

+++ 05.05 PM: poll: Prince Harry is the most popular Royal +++

Prince Harry is according to a survey of the most popular Royal. 77 percent have a good opinion of him, as a YouGov survey of about 3700 people. The British describe him as personable, humorous and sincere. Only then mother, Queen Elizabeth II comes on the second place his large, close behind his brother, Prince William. With some distance place 4 goes to Duchess Kate, place, 5 to Prince Philip, and place six of Harry’s wife, Meghan. Not as good as the aloof current heir to the throne Prince Charles has been cut.

+++ 05.01 PM: death riders of Melbourne guilty of murder +++

spoken Nearly two years after a death ride through the Melbourne city centre, a 28-year-old Australian has been spoken of because of six counts of murder, and guilty. The man was in January 2017 with a stolen Car by street racing, which is actually closed to cars. In the process, he killed six people, including a three-month-old child. 27 were injured. The decision of how long the man will go to prison, the court at a later date.

to have The jury-a Jury in Melbourne found the man after only one hour of counselling for the guilty, in full intention to be traded. The 28-Year-old had pleaded not guilty because he had been through drugs, mentally ill. He had taken the Designer drug crystal Meth. The jury saw no reason not to talk to him guilty. The fact had also been filmed by surveillance cameras. In the pictures it is clear that the man sat at the controls.

+++ 04.35 PM: Peru Ex-President Fujimori for Forced sterilizations accused +++

The former Peruvian leader Alberto Fujimori has been accused of Forced sterilisation of more than 2000 people. Fujimori had during his tenure (1990-2000): a program of birth control, where 272.000 women and 22,000 men were sterilized. The Prosecutor accused, Fujimori, to be for 2166 forced sterilisation is partly responsible, resulting in five cases, to the death of the victim, as the newspaper “El Comercio” reported.

Three former health Ministers of Fujimori have been complaining to the marsh. The 80-year-old Ex-President, sits a 25-year sentence for grave human rights violations.

+++ 04.03 PM: the death toll due to forest fire in California rises to 42 +++

The devastating forest fire in California with at least 42 deaths, the deadliest forest fire in the history of the U.S. state of. The Sheriff of the Northern California County of Butte, Kory Honea said it found the bodies of 13 more Victims had been recovered. Thus, the number of the death of Opera rose in consequence of the “Camp Fire” referred to forest fire, on 42.

First of all, Honea said, the “Camp Fire” was thus the deadliest forest fire in U.S. history. Later, he said that it was the most deadly forest fire in California history.

+++ 02.53 PM: Contested Senate seat in Arizona goes Democrat +++

After the congressional elections in the United States, a particularly contested Senate seat in the state of Arizona to the Democrats. The Republican candidate, Martha McSally conceded defeat. You’ve called her democratic rival, Kyrsten Sinema, and congratulated her on her victory, said McSally in a short-message service Twitter has published a Video. Sinema will after a “hard battle” to be the first female Senator for Arizona.

In the southern state, the end result had stood for the Senate post after the election on Tuesday of last week. The success of the Democrats in Arizona does not alter the fact that the Republicans were able to defend US President Donald Trump their Senate majority.

+++ 02.43 PM: man in Israel from the Gaza strip fired a rocket +++

Israel killed a man from the Gaza strip fired a rocket had been killed. The man’s body had been recovered in the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon from the ruins of a rocket destroyed house, told the Israeli emergency services on Tuesday night. Most recently, the violence between Israel and the Palestinians escalated in the Region. From the of the radical Islamic Hamas-controlled Gaza strip, hundreds of rockets at Israel were fired. The Israeli air force bombed a number of targets in the enclave. The violence escalated after a deadly use of Israeli special forces in the Gaza strip on Sunday.

+++ 02.13 PM: Amnesty Suu Kyi honorary title of “Ambassador of conscience” +++

removes The human rights organization Amnesty International has withdrawn from Myanmar’s De facto head of government, Aung San Suu Kyi because of the Rohingya crisis, the honorary title of “Ambassador of conscience”. In a published letter to Suu Kyi, Amnesty was the Secretary-General Kumi Naidoo disappointed about the apparent “indifference” of the Nobel peace prize winner compared to the atrocities of the military against the Muslim minority in your country.

“Today, we are not really shocked that you are no longer a Symbol of hope, courage, and the tireless defence of human rights,” wrote Naidoo to the 73-Year-old. “Amnesty International cannot justify their Status as an Ambassador of conscience, and therefore, we deprive them of hereby with great Regret that title.”

Amnesty International had awarded to Suu Kyi in 2009 the honorary title “Ambassador of conscience”, the highest award of the human rights organization. At that time, the longtime opposition leader still under house arrest.

+++ 01.18 PM: rent subsidy to recipients of Bafög is expected to rise, according to a media report +++

the Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) wants to increase to a media report, according to the rent subsidy to recipients of Bafög. The monthly housing allowance for Federal financial aid recipients who do not live with their parents, should rise from 250 euros to 325 euros, according to the Newspapers of the Funke media group, in a keynote paper of your Ministry. “The living costs are on the rise, especially in the University towns,” it is, therefore, to notice.

So that more students benefit from Bafög-payments, want to Karliczek increase, according to the report, the exemption amounts. The income amounts should increase by nine percent; the assets would release increased amounts.

in addition, the paper includes the report, according to still further modification measures. The Bafög maximum rate should increase accordingly, from the present 735 euros to 850 euros per month.

+++ 00.31 PM: Israelische air force destroyed the headquarters of Hamas-middle channel Al-Aqsa +++

bombed In their attacks in the Gaza strip, the Israeli air force also has the headquarters of the Hamas-affiliated TV channel Al-Aqsa. An AFP Journalist said. Information on casualties there were. The Israeli air force had fired a number of Warnschüssen, the staff of the station thus had time to leave the building.

The Israeli army justified the attack that Al-Aqsa was a “tool” of Gaza’s ruling radical Islamic Hamas. The channels contribute to the military activities of Hamas and call for terror attacks against Israel.

+++ 00.08 watch: Three Dead in Explosion in fireworks factory in Spain +++

an Explosion At a fireworks factory in Spain, three people have been killed. Three other people were injured according to the authorities, as it came in the factory in southern Spain, Guadix, a violent Detonation. They had to be treated for smoke poisoning.According to the city administration, the violent Explosion in many Parts of the 20,000 inhabitants of the city was heard near Granada. The accident occurred six people in the factory were.

kng / fs / ivi /wue / AFP / DPA