
The popular TV show Homes Under The Hammer surprised viewers with a romantic engagement that took place in a newly renovated home. Host Martin Roberts was amazed when he witnessed Chris proposing to Jess in their transformed kitchen, marking a first for the show. The episode featured a rundown cottage in Shropshire that Chris bought for £275,000 with the intention of creating a family home for Jess and their daughter Maddie.

Initially, Martin expressed concerns about the cottage’s condition, including dampness and decaying walls. However, he was impressed by the extensive renovations and extensions that Chris had completed. The couple spent £172,000 on revamping the property, with Martin commenting that the challenges they faced would only make them stronger.

The touching moment of the proposal was captured on camera, with Chris getting down on one knee and asking Jess to marry him. Overwhelmed with emotion, Jess tearfully accepted, leading to a heartwarming embrace between the couple. Social media users quickly shared their joy over the romantic gesture, calling it the “best proposal ever” and “so adorable”.

The couple’s journey to renovate their dream home was not without its challenges. Chris had been in a serious accident that left him hospitalized for a month, delaying their renovation timeline by several months. Despite the setbacks, Jess and Chris welcomed their daughter Maddie during this time, marking a new chapter in their lives.

The episode of Homes Under The Hammer highlighted the power of love and determination, showcasing how a dilapidated property could be transformed into a beautiful family home. The unexpected proposal added an extra layer of emotion to the show, leaving viewers touched by the couple’s love story. The message of always believing that something magical is about to happen resonated with audiences, reminding them that love can truly conquer all obstacles.