Under the sign of Pisces, the new moon on March 10, 2024 is expected to influence different signs of the zodiac for good and bad. Gloomy mood, troubled sleep, discover the expected effects of this lunation!

Last new moon before the spring equinox which will take place on March 20, the next new moon will take place on Sunday March 10 at 10 a.m. This lunation will settle in the sign of Pisces which could strongly influence our daily lives, stimulate our creativity and lead us into a period of introspection and poetry.

In the coming days, all astrological signs could feel the influence of this new moon in Pisces, synonymous with the start of a new cycle. Water sign, both dreamer and sensitive, it invites us to dream and meditation in our life. This lunation is also a particularly good time to harness your creative potential and imagination. Music, writing, painting, whatever medium you use, it’s time to express yourself in some way and unleash the artist within you! Astrologer Isabelle Elvira from Femme Actuelle magazine invites us to welcome our emotions and “to connect to the sensitive and to our interiority”. Take full responsibility for your dreams and finally bring them to life!

Pisces at the heart of the turmoil

Directly affected by this full moon, Pisces must prepare for an eventful period. In the magazine Marie-France, astrologer Natacha Merani warns against insomnia during the nights to come when it will undoubtedly be difficult to fall asleep. But it’s a blessing in disguise because the dreams you have during this period will be important since they “could give you a clue on how to act and what you really need. Even if the nights are difficult, make the most of it!”, recommends the astrologer. In the same way, Isabelle Elvira encourages this sign to internalize its emotions in order to put words to evils.

Other signs impacted by this new moon

Alongside Pisces, the other Water signs could well see their emotions increased tenfold by this new Moon. If you are Cancer or Scorpio, you are advised to “release what’s deep inside of you.” But other signs will also be impacted by this lunation. Aries could see their thoughts invaded by this new moon which will take an unexpected place in their mind. Also a bad time for the Libra sign who will feel tired and tired. If this is your case, this new moon invites you to take care of yourself. Sleep, diet, it’s time to change your daily habits for a healthier life!