
Netflix fans have been buzzing about the new documentary, Black Barbie, which sheds light on the importance of diversity within the iconic dolls created by Mattel. The series produced by Shonda Rhimes explores the untold story of the first-ever Black Barbie and the significant impact of three trailblazing women – Beulah Mae Mitchell, Kitty Black Perkins, and Stacey McBride-Irby. These women played a crucial role in changing the toy scene forever during America’s Civil Rights Movement.

The documentary has received an impressive 100 per cent score on the Rotten Tomatoes ‘Tomatometer,’ indicating positive feedback from viewers and critics alike. Fans have taken to social media platforms to express their excitement and appreciation for the documentary, calling it a “beautiful celebration of brilliant Black women” and a “revelatory exploration of race and representation.”

The history of Barbie dolls, which were initially blonde-haired and blue-eyed, took a significant turn with the introduction of the first Black Barbie. Beulah Mae Mitchell, who worked as a toy tester at the Mattel factory, proposed the idea of creating a black doll to the company’s president, Ruth Handler. Kitty Black Perkins, the first black designer at Mattel, made history by designing the first black Barbie in 1980. Stacey McBride-Irby later contributed to the legacy of Black Barbies by designing the AKA Barbie Doll, which became a coveted collector’s item.

The documentary not only highlights the journey of Black Barbie but also serves as a critique of mass media representation and a celebration of the talents and creativity of Black women. It showcases the evolution of Barbie as a brand and its impact on cultural perceptions over the years.

Black Barbie: A Documentary is now available for streaming on Netflix, offering viewers a chance to delve into the rich history and cultural significance of these iconic dolls. Dive into the world of Black Barbie and discover the inspiring stories behind the women who challenged norms and reshaped the toy industry.