With a gentle tension, you could follow on Thursday whether – and, if at all: how – Jan böhmermann in the “Neo magazine Royale” would respond to the sufficiently indicated allegation of the comedian Oliver Polak, he’s had here and there (and then!) anti-Semitic behavior.

would be Embarrassing, Bohemian man, it would dub.

more embarrassing would be if he should start to make a statement in their own right.

there Is a third option available? A Classic Dilemma.

First of all, the presenter went through the usual program. Wegarbeiten, which was not so incurred in the past few weeks. The re-divorce of Wulff’s up to the surprising fact that banks invest in arms companies.

the jokes were about the retreating Chancellor (“your press conference last Monday was so emotional, the last Time I cried so much, as a railway chief Mehdorn resigned”), or the condition of the CDU. The was divided on the issue “so deep, so torn, so divided”, the need to underline that Saudi Arabia had nothing to do with it.

“I’m not infallible,”

The SPD? “Is like the little brother that thinks that he is playing with on the Playstation, even though his Controller is not connected”. The best Gag of the Evening, followed by an atmospheric change of course: “I have to actually come now in their own thing to a more serious topic. A topic that the media have plunged this week, Yes literally. Opinion-makers of the ‘pharmacy Umschau’ to the dog of Sarah Kuttner.”

It was “a topic that relates to our mission, this Kalebet week everywhere in the headlines. In Particular, the issue relates to. Some have referred to it as a scandal, and I must admit, is not wrong. I’m for openness. I am also a type that can admit mistakes and can apologize” said the Bohemian man and of cost the Moment a little: “I’m not infallible, and I don’t know, I feel ashamed of myself. Because if you want to be really good comedian, then you have to accept constructive criticism. And you have to be self-reflecting and hard-to yourself.”

Florence was Charged, occurred as a rigid Ombudsman and the scandalous errors revealed – a miserable average error in the shipment of 11. October, with a supposedly jealous Bohemian man thrown his Sidekick Ralf Kabelka from the programme, so that the would now have to live under a bridge.

Encoded gesture of Reconciliation?

How ridiculous, the premise so ridiculous and awkward, the seven-minute Sketch. Whose only – and also miserable joke was that he had nothing to do with anti-Semitism or Oliver Polak. The Bohemian man and his Team addressed the allegation by addressed him not . Please go on, there’s nothing here to see!

in the worst case, would be to reproach the Bohemian man, that he has made his slender feet. The best case would be to keep him to the benefit of, a dealing with, phew, structural, and anti-Semitism is beyond the scope of a smart-aleck Nonsense program, if this is understood as a force of Good, and sold.

If there was such a thing as a real and genuine Statement about the affair, then at the very end. Kabelka returns to the Studio, and in front of the awkward reconciliation scene, the Bohemian man, what could also go to the following address of Oliver Polak says: “I would like to apologize to you. But you haven’t done everything right.”