
James and Meitalia were seen in a recent episode of ’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’ facing a financial crisis as they navigate through their relationship. In a clip from the show, James drives Meitalia to the airport as she prepares to leave Maine and head back to her home country, Indonesia. The couple had decided to part ways with Maine, but the departure is emotional for both of them.

Meitalia expresses her mixed emotions about leaving James and their dog, Jojo, behind in Maine. James had kept the news of their departure from his family, so Meitalia will not have the opportunity to say a proper goodbye to them. Despite the challenges, both James and Meitalia remain hopeful about their future together. They plan for James to join Meitalia in Indonesia in the coming month or so.

However, their optimism is tested when they discuss work and financial matters. James reveals his intention to work as much as possible in Maine to save money for their move to Indonesia. He also plans to work for Meitalia’s family once they are reunited in Indonesia. But Meitalia drops a bombshell when she tells James that her family does not pay for family members’ work.

This revelation throws a wrench in their plans, as James realizes that their financial situation may not be as secure as they had hoped. He expresses his frustration, questioning how they will make a living in Indonesia if he cannot work for Meitalia’s family. Meitalia’s response adds to the tension, leaving the couple at a crossroads in their journey.

The episode highlights the challenges that James and Meitalia face as they navigate through their relationship and financial crisis. It raises questions about the importance of financial stability in a long-distance relationship and the sacrifices that must be made for love. As viewers follow their story on ’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way,’ they are reminded of the complexities of international relationships and the obstacles that must be overcome for a successful union.