
Tom Daley, a beloved athlete in the nation, has been making headlines since his teenage years. The 30-year-old springboard diver is aiming to win gold once again as he competes with Noah Williams to represent Great Britain in the diving synchronised 10m platform final. His husband, Dustin Lance Black, a 50-year-old film director who is 20 years his senior, will undoubtedly be there to support him.

Tom shared that he met Dustin at a random dinner in Los Angeles, and they began dating in December 2013. The couple tied the knot in 2017 and welcomed their first child, Robert Ray, through surrogacy on June 27, 2018. Subsequently, they had their second son, Phoenix Rose, on March 28 through the same process.

Despite the 20-year age gap between them, Tom emphasized that they don’t pay attention to it. He believes that love is what matters most. Tom considers himself an old soul, having a passion for houseplants, knitting, and engaging in meaningful conversations. The couple connected over shared experiences of loss and navigating the highs and lows of their careers.

Tom and Dustin opted for surrogacy in the United States due to legal complexities in the UK. They wanted to continue their family lineage by passing on the traits of their lost loved ones to their children. Each provided sperm to fertilise the surrogate’s eggs, choosing not to know the biological father of their first child.

The couple also faced challenges as same-sex parents, contemplating adoption and surrogacy options to have children. Tom expressed concerns about his future as a gay man and the path to starting a family. Despite challenges, Tom and Dustin have shown unwavering support for each other, even during public disputes like the one with Sam Smith in 2016.

After Sam Smith mistakenly claimed to be the first openly gay star to win an Oscar, Dustin engaged in a Twitter feud, highlighting his own achievements and defending his husband, Tom. The incident shed light on the couple’s resilience and commitment to each other.

Tom’s journey with Dustin reflects love transcending age differences, legal obstacles, and public scrutiny. Their story is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and mutual support in overcoming challenges. The couple’s decision to build a family through surrogacy underscores their commitment to creating a loving and inclusive home for their children.