The minister of european affairs Nathalie Loiseau, explains the reasons why the government has asked that it be held until the end of the month of October, in the countries of the Union, citizen consultations on Europe. The crisis between Brussels and Italy

” This is not France, who will give lessons on the budget ! “responded Nathalie Loiseau after the decision of Brussels to reject the draft budget Italian on the ground that the expenditure and tax cuts required by the League and the Movement 5 stars (M5S) are incompatible with the rules of the stability pact. “I don’t have a short memory, I remember the accommodation that, for years, France has taken up with the commitments that it had itself drawn,” said the minister in wishing, ” as the government fairy Tale, that Italy is growing again and the way her unemployment back. Because ” after years of deep crisis, a portion of the votes of the Italians in march 2018 has been to say “basta cosi”, that’s enough ! “.

But for Nathalie Loiseau, the democratic argument relied on by Rome is questionable : “The Italian government says it wants to satisfy the demands of the voters, but the League and the M5S were fought during the campaign. They never said that they would work together. The first defended the flat tax and the tax amnesty, the second wanted to the universal income and the end of the pension reform. Those who voted for them did not think that these measures would add. However, the addition of the two gives a budget that is not sustainable. “

Recalling that the Italian debt represents 131 % of the national wealth, which is considerable and dangerous, “Nathalie Loiseau has desired” a thorough dialogue between the Italian authorities and the Commission “, in denouncing the attitude of the member of the european parliament of the League that ” has seen fit to wipe his shoes on the notes of Mr Moscovici in Strasbourg. This is not an attitude of a government party “. According to her, ” the euro area is more robust than what we imagine “, and yet ” ill-prepared for a new crisis. We have the banking union, and we need to finalize it. We need to strengthen the european stability mechanism, which is not sufficiently reactive in case of crisis “.


” Everything has been explored from a technical point of view. It is to Theresa May to find out how she handles his government and his majority, ” said Nathalie Loiseau, whereas the Brussels european Council, ended last week by a new failure.

The minister says he hopes a ” comprehensive agreement by the end of the year 2018 “, without totally excluding Brexit hard the 30 march of next year. “If we do nothing, the 200 000 to 300 000 Britons who live in France are undocumented migrants from one day to the next day. A truck british could no longer ride in France. A Eurostar could not drive in France with a driver uk. This is not what we want, this is not what happens, but this is to anticipate, ” she said, recalling that a draft enabling law will allow the French government to adopt by ordinances to a number of legislative provisions.

According to her, the Brexit is ” a negotiation lose-lose. No one will win, but all studies go in the same direction : regardless of the form of the separation, the United Kingdom will be the country most impacted. The preparation of the Brexit it Klasbahis already costs $ 500 million per week, while some promised a return weekly of 350 million euros. “

The franco-German couple

“We can’t do Europe without a franco-German motor works,” said Nathalie Loiseau in refuting any idea of a failure. “Sometimes we are more in a hurry than the others, sometimes may be too in a hurry” she acknowledged, stressing that Germany knew of ” a political situation without precedent since the post-war period. The far right is massively present in the Bundestag, but this situation does not prevent us from seriously working with the Germans, because the contract of coalition has many european commitments. In addition, the contact is frequent between Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. “

The european elections of may

It was playing “50 shades of brown” in Europe, is alarmed at the minister. “The presence in government of the extreme right in Austria, Finland and Denmark, offensive, anti-democratic, Viktor Orban, the european tour of the U.s. Steve Bannon, who wants the death of the european Union. Should they continue to look the other way and say that this is not serious ? This will not be my case. This will not be that of Emmanuel Macron. It is necessary to name things, “insisted Nathalie Loiseau fully assuming the” cleavage between progressives and nationalists “.

According to her, ” the values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law are in the process of damaging, so it is necessary to fight. “In the wake of this, she has blasted the attitude of LR that it” considers that there is no problem with Victor Orban, that he can continue to sit in the EPP in the Parliament, then it contradicts the european values “.

The citizen consultations on the European

” The challenges facing europe are stronger than ever. However, there is a disconnect between the european populations and the decisions taken by the european institutions “, pointed out Nathalie Loiseau. This is the reason for which the French government has decided to hold until the end of October, the citizen consultations on Europe. “We have asked our european partners. All responded yes, with the exception of Hungary, Mr. Orban and the Italy of Mr. Conte and M. Salvini, ” said the minister. “They felt that interviewing people was dangerous. I think that is an interesting definition of populism : speaking on behalf of the people, but does not interrogate the people “, she ironisé.

in the case of France, ” I do not feel really angry against Europe, said the minister, but I note a lot of expectations on a social Europe, and questions of a more existential security, defence and the destiny of Europe. On the topic of migration, it does not arrive at the top of the agenda, except for the activists very euroskeptic, or to the left of the left, who criticize the government for its immigration policies. “