
Neil Dudgeon, the star of the popular ITV show Midsomer Murders, has spoken out in defense of the use of trigger warnings on the show. The warnings, which alert viewers to potentially upsetting content such as crime scenes or violent killings, have been added to the back catalogue of episodes on ITVX and ITV3.

In a recent episode featuring Morris dancers in blackface, the warning specifically mentioned that the episode contained traditional dancing that might offend some viewers. Dudgeon, who has appeared in over 50 episodes of the show, acknowledged the importance of being considerate of viewers’ feelings.

He emphasized that the intention behind the trigger warnings is to prevent upsetting or traumatic experiences for viewers who may not be familiar with the show. Dudgeon expressed that while some may find the warnings unnecessary, they serve a purpose in ensuring that all viewers feel comfortable and safe while watching the show.

The current 23rd series of Midsomer Murders is continuing to air, with guest stars like acting legend Tom Conti making appearances. Dudgeon praised Conti’s performance, noting his seamless transition from a role in Oppenheimer to playing a senior policeman on the show.

Dudgeon also reflected on the changing landscape of casting in the industry, particularly for older actors. He mentioned that it has become increasingly challenging to find older, established actors to appear on the show, as the pool of available talent from previous generations is diminishing.

While Dudgeon acknowledged the nostalgia of working with veteran actors earlier in his career, he expressed disappointment in the limited opportunities for older actors in the present day. Despite these challenges, he remains dedicated to delivering engaging performances on Midsomer Murders.

As the show continues to captivate audiences with its intriguing mysteries and talented cast, Dudgeon’s defense of trigger warnings serves as a reminder of the importance of considering viewers’ sensitivities. By taking proactive measures to provide warnings for potentially distressing content, Midsomer Murders aims to create a viewing experience that is inclusive and respectful of all audience members.