
Michelle Obama was shocked by Donald trump’s election victory

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At the 13. November Michelle Obama’s (54) memoir, “Becoming: My story”. The former First Lady of the United States from her life and her marriage with Ex-US President Barack Obama (57) told. But most of the attention at the moment, the statements about the current US President, Donald Trump (72). The 54-Year-old takes no sheet before the mouth, and criticized Trump violently.

you can ignore Trump will not forgive

Obama writes, according to US media reports that she had been shocked by Trumps electoral victory in 2016, and you’ve tried “everything”. Among other things, the “Washington Post” quoted from the book. In Particular, the former First Lady criticized for apparently Trumps behavior towards women. To denounce, therefore, among other things, the famous “Access Hollywood”Video from the year 2005, in the Trump in talks with Moderator Billy Bush (47) is extremely derogatory about women was talking about.

The Video, which is also the “Grab them by the pussy”-quote is taken, was published during the election campaign of 2016 from the Washington Betebet Post. Obama sums up Trumps message: “I can hurt you and get away with it.”

But Obama seems to go even further. It speaks, therefore, also the conspiracy theory that Trump has spread about her husband. It has been claimed that trump’s predecessor, was born outside of the United States, which would have denied him the right to the highest political office in the country. Because only persons born in the United States, can be a candidate for the U.S. presidency.

The whole thing is of Michelle Obama’s call in her book to hide as a “crazy and evil” and “the underlying fanaticism and xenophobia” is in this statement “hardly”. In addition, the conspiracy theory was “dangerous”, since it intends to “idiots and Crazy incite”. “What if someone had loaded with an unstable mind, a gun, and Washington would be dangers”, the 54-Year-old to consider.

Next, you should write: “What if this Person had been looking after our girls? Donald Trump vulnerable with his loud and reckless allusions to the safety of my family.” And could you forgive him for “never”.
