
The Power of Infinite Banking: A Revolutionary Approach to Financial Freedom

In today’s ever-evolving financial landscape, many individuals and families are facing the challenges of debt and limited financial opportunities imposed by traditional banking practices. Jayson Lowe and Richard Canfield, the Co-Founders of Wealth on Main Street, are leading a movement to change this narrative. Through their brand, powered by Ascendant Financial, they are bringing the transformative Infinite Banking Concept to the forefront of personal finance.

An Educational Revolution in Personal Finance

Jayson Lowe’s journey into the world of Infinite Banking began in 2008 when he recognized a fundamental flaw in how people manage their finances. As a Chartered Life Underwriter, he witnessed the limitations of traditional financial planning and the opportunities lost when individuals relinquish control of their money to external entities. This realization inspired him to educate others on the Infinite Banking Concept—a process that empowers individuals to take control of how they finance all their needs throughout life, such as investment opportunities, business equipment, homes, education, major appliances, cars, and more.

“What sets us apart is that we help people by actually helping them,” Jayson explains. “Since our inception, we have prioritized education over products. We ensure that our clients understand how to take control of their finances, rather than just selling them something and moving on.”

The Foundations of the Infinite Banking Concept

At the core of the Infinite Banking Concept lies the idea of recapturing the interest that one pays to banks and finance companies for major life expenses. It revolves around the fundamental truth that someone must perform the banking function as it relates to your needs. Most people unknowingly give up this responsibility, allowing traditional banks to profit from their money flow while losing control over their financial destiny. The Infinite Banking Concept flips this model on its head, giving individuals the tools to become their own bankers and keep their money within their own system.

By storing money in specially designed dividend-paying life insurance policies, individuals can contribute almost unlimited sums, have ready access to capital on demand, on their terms, and pay no tax on the daily build-up or on the death benefit, which is paid tax-free to their beneficiaries when needed the most.

“The interest you pay the life insurance company would have been paid to someone anyhow, much better it goes to a company you co-own and share in all the profits,” Richard says. “Imagine if everyone you knew did this … you would have a closed-loop aquarium of capital where we all profit from one another’s combined interest payments.”

Overcoming Challenges and Building Trust

Introducing the Infinite Banking concept to a wider audience has not been without its challenges. Jayson has faced skepticism and resistance from those accustomed to traditional financial planning methods. However, he has successfully overcome these obstacles by maintaining a steadfast commitment to transparency, education, and client-centered service.

“We’re accountable only to our clients,” Jayson says. “When someone works with us, they don’t just get one advisor—they get our entire team, bringing all of our experience and resources to bear. This collaborative, team-based approach is a stark contrast to the transaction-focused mentality that dominates our industry.”

This dedication to putting clients first has earned Jayson and his team a reputation as the gold standard in Infinite Banking in North America. The thousands of five-star Google reviews from real clients are a testament to the impact of their work and the trust they have built since their journey began in 2008.

A Tribute to a Financial Pioneer

Jayson and Richard’s work is deeply inspired by their late mentor, R. Nelson Nash, the pioneer of the Infinite Banking Concept and author of the bestselling book, Becoming Your Own Banker. Nash’s teachings laid the groundwork for a financial revolution, and both men are determined to carry his legacy forward.

“Our book, Don’t Spread the Wealth, is an extension of what Nelson pioneered and developed,” Richard shares. “We’re bringing these principles to the family level, showing real-life examples of how Infinite Banking can be applied not just individually, but as a strategy for family wealth management.”

Nash’s influence is evident in their approach to both his business and personal philosophy. They emphasize that understanding the problem is crucial in order for the solution to matter. By educating people on this problem, Jayson and Richard help them see the value in taking control of the banking function in their own lives.

Building a Legacy of Financial Freedom

Looking to the future, Jayson and Richard envision a world where more families understand and embrace the Infinite Banking Concept, using it to build lasting wealth and financial security. They dream of a financial system where individuals are no longer dependent on traditional banks and can enjoy the benefits of controlling how they finance all the things they need.

“Our goal is to continue developing a deep understanding of what our clients truly value and to deliver that consistently,” Jayson says. “We want every reader of our book to walk away with their eyes opened to an entirely new financial world—one that radically improves whatever they are currently doing or contemplating doing financially.”

Their dedication to spreading this message is evident in their work with Ascendant Financial, as well as their ongoing efforts to educate the public through their podcast, soon to be rebranded to Wealth on Main Street. Through these platforms, Jayson and Richard continue to share the principles of Infinite Banking, encouraging others to take control of their financial futures.

In conclusion, the Infinite Banking Concept offers a revolutionary approach to personal finance, empowering individuals to become their own bankers, take control of their financial destinies, and build lasting wealth for generations to come. With dedication, education, and a commitment to putting clients first, Jayson Lowe and Richard Canfield are leading the charge towards a future where financial freedom is within reach for all who dare to embrace it.