As to model I with the age of 14 started, many of the girls who run bars in the coming January, join me on the course of Fashion Week Berlin, just three or four years old. You had from the Fashion industry, so little idea how still today, my grandmother, which I will quote today a couple of times. I mention this in order to subtly indicate that I will return during the fall/Winter 2020 season back on the Runway of MBFW Berlin, but to clarify, that has changed in the last decade, the business and the perception of young Models. But after the series.

Marie from the Benken Andreas Puhl

As she was discovered with 14 years on the spitalerstrasse in Hamburg by the great German model Agency “Place”, prophesied to her that she would land on all the covers of the world. For many years, you watched the Fashion circus from different perspectives and behind the camera and works as a Model, designer and author. In 2011, she began to share her life semi-autobiographical on Twitter. Their rapidly growing range brought her numerous requests from magazines, TV channels and publishers.

When I started in this business, was able to contribute clear, what Strengths I had to show for it – but also, and especially, what are the Strengths I would. 1.73 meters for example, I was too small for the catwalk. Since I would have to be Kate Moss, to the Runways of the Top designers, nevertheless, have a proper role to play. You found myself so often on a shoot, but very rarely on the Catwalks. I would like to run more, even if the financial incentive is in contrast to commercial shoots, of course, rather low. But life is like that – it was not. Finished. “You can leave the Breasts inflate, but you can’t lengthen the legs”, to send the first of the announced Oma-wisdom into the race. Well, if you follow the rumors, the may but, at least in the case of Sylvester Stallone and is, after all, the Rocky Balboa of the model scene. This did not help me more but also.

The Blaspheme of the Other

at the Time, reigned for young Models usually an atmospheric environment just above the freezing point, if you hit on other girls. In the mid-2000s, there was no Instagram, where you have to defend yourself, and the comforting encouragement of his Fans can generate. On the other hand, there was thus much less touch-points for complete strangers, people who have in the anonymity of the Internet cyber-bullying to your favorite hobby chosen and, in particular, in the case of young, successful women of their neuroses to live out. The sound overall was rougher than it is today – but only internally. Sayings such as “Models are stupid dress stand or Model? What is real you don’t have learned”, as a gift. These attacks were, but they were mostly from men and mostly then, if they were not able to look back on such a successful history in the Pick of pretty women. You’ll get over it. Heavier because of the climate within the industry. There is the rejection from all directions came.

As a young Model at the time people were in the burning glass of his Agency, where you heard about the Booker, “there are still thousands of other girls who would do the Job immediately”, or “a few pounds but down.” The same, you will hear from photographers, clients, ad agencies, and stylists. The first lesson you learned in the industry at the time, was: body shaming is not a one-way street. While attacks against the body and appearance, rather, against people presumed to conform to the current ideal of beauty due to Obesity, is so easy to forget that even thin people often have to suffer a lot.

schrödinger’s body

Almost all of the Models that I know of, never were the famous most beautiful girl in the school. They do not correspond to the usual decal of beauty. In the schoolyard and in the media. Often they were the “Schlackse” or the “Giraffe” because they were taller and thinner. Later, as a Model, they were labelled as too fat, even though they fit in the dress size of 34 or 36 and thus out than anorexic were. Schrödinger’s Body. No one held on to the simple Credo: no one is allowed to judge a person whether he is fat or thin, according to his appearance, his gender, his skin color, his sexual orientation or his Religion. It should only count if he is an asshole or not. Unfortunately, there are a lot of assholes in the Fashion world, and ten years ago, the biggest ass holes were fellow usually your own Model. Because they were at the same time competitors. To sit sometimes with 30 other girls in a Casting anteroom, and it is clear that only the Job will get.

Facebook Post of a mother So cruel can be children – this image is the heart,

Cut and thrust, slander (even the customer), insults – breaks back on the agenda. In my perception, this has changed today, in my industry a little. The girls have become wiser, if you will. You are considerate. Clearly, it is still a very competitive business, but the border crossings become less and less. There are still the nasty gossip-girls who put Down other than your own strength will fail Pinbahis to interpret. But you’ll find within the industry a significantly smaller breeding ground. The girl, the fellow with carefully choreographed nasties or politically launched mouthing discredited, no longer is considered the coolest girl in the room. Or, at least, than you must make good. The empathy has grown, also have the wrong consciousness. Who is being falsely attacked, you can expect a quite noticeable wave of solidarity. That was ten years ago, in a different way.

What Peter says to Paul

From the school Playground I knew phrases like “nothing is there” or “I don’t want to see naked, which has nothing in the body”. In the modeling Business, there were other sentences, but they were equally painful for a Teenager. Solidarity there was neither on the Playground, still on Castings. My grandma comforted me with the words, “What Peter says to Paul, says more about Peter than about Paul”. This sometimes helped, sometimes not. I would have liked to see that Peter says nothing about Paul, or at least nothing nasty.

Artificial intelligence New Features: Instagram Cyber-bullying prevent

I did not know then that I would come to the eaves from the rain in the (Social Media). Because, unfortunately, it is not so, that this story would have ended with the sentence “it has become in the modeling industry significantly better.” With the years, the Internet and the triumphal processions of the Social Media formats. Only SchülerVZ, then Instagram Facebook, then. And suddenly it wasn’t just your classmates or other Models. There are hordes of mostly faceless Internet users, broke like a hurricane of resentment over the comment columns. Since you insulted me daily, and I’m told regularly, I would have only a “success” because I’m pretty, but that was transitory and soon disappear I the insignificance of. You wish me to rape, as I positioned myself against the AfD. You speculated on why I should for great Magazine writing and whether or not it may have with sexual favors for the editors-in-chief.

Every experienced hatred on the Internet

Such comments and messages every day. Even in the case of me. And I’m just a very small light, compared with the young women in this country really in to a wide Public. The comment columns about the case of Lena Meyer-Landrut often read, as you would be for the whole of the misery of our world, and anyone who is just now able to log on to the Internet, acquires at the same time, the legitimacy, you give insults and defamatory insinuations, as there would be prizes for the most useless and most disgusting hate-comment sold.

Why is this so? The Internet really brought out the worst in people to emerge? It is envy? It is boredom? It is sexism? Now you can argue that someone must accept as Lena Meyer-Landrut, the earned with their range of money just in order to be the darling of the tabloids and the hate-commentators at the same time. Lena is confident and strong enough to be able to live with it and deal with it, to be continuous as thin, or as a slut, talentless, obnoxious, arrogant, or talentless, as documented this week in a much-publicized Instagtam Posting.

Why? Only for the click for the moment?

Lena Meyer-Landrut is not broken by these comments. You will not change time because of it. Why? However, our society urgently the question of whether we want to allow that to happen really so, what it is, and especially how to contain it. It is not wrong to be particularly thin or particularly thick. Is wrong to judge others without knowing them. There are very many States out there that have the strength of a Lena Meyer-Landrut. But hate all of the hits today. You’re thick, too thin, alien, gay, a Jew, no matter, hate finds a way to make you low. And the raging storm of inhumanity sweeping over her. To these people we should think. Whether you are a Model, a singer, a student, a Baker, bus driver, house wife or a surgeon. People who brush other continuously down, it should not be a part of our lives and of our world, not the virtual. We should separate from those for the humanity in the first place. Or, to say it finally, again with my grandma: “I’ve met this Person twice today. For the first and for the last Time”.

Until then: lots of love, your Marie