
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s eldest son, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, has taken on the role of being his mother’s protector amidst their ongoing divorce battle. The relationship between Brad Pitt and his children became strained after an alleged incident of domestic abuse that took place in 2016 while the family was on a flight from Paris to Los Angeles. Angelina Jolie accused Brad Pitt of grabbing and shaking her during the flight, as well as making disturbing remarks about their family.

Since then, Maddox has reportedly stepped up to protect his mother, Angelina Jolie. He was deeply affected by the incident and has taken it upon himself to shield his mother from any harm. His negative feelings towards his adoptive father have influenced his younger siblings as well. Shiloh, one of the couple’s children, even decided to legally drop Pitt from her surname, which is believed to be connected to her father’s rumored history of abuse.

Brad Pitt’s representatives have denied these allegations of physical abuse, stating that the incident was a parent-child argument that escalated but did not result in physical harm. Despite the strained relationships, Pitt hopes to rebuild his connections with all his children, including Maddox. He has expressed remorse for his past actions, particularly his struggles with alcohol, and remains hopeful for reconciliation in the future.

As the family dynamics continue to shift, Maddox’s role as his mother’s protector remains steadfast. His siblings, including twins Vivienne and Knox, have also shown signs of distancing themselves from their father. Vivienne chose to drop Pitt from her surname on a playbill credit, indicating a shift in their relationship.

The divorce between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt has had a significant impact on their children, with tensions running high and relationships strained. Despite the challenges they face, both parents are committed to doing what is best for their children and working towards healing their fractured family bonds. As the situation continues to unfold, the role of Maddox as his mother’s protector highlights the importance of family support and unity during difficult times.