
Machine Gun Kelly recently shared a heartwarming glimpse into his life as a dad. The singer took to TikTok to show off his Father’s Day celebrations with his 14-year-old daughter, Casie Colson Baker. The video featured the father-daughter duo posing for the camera and enjoying the day together. Machine Gun Kelly even showcased his culinary skills by cooking organic chicken fried rice for Casie and baking gluten-free, dairy-free brownies.

In addition to celebrating Father’s Day with Casie, Machine Gun Kelly also honored his own late father by lighting a candle in his memory. Fans were touched by the emotional tribute and praised the singer for being a loving and dedicated dad.

Machine Gun Kelly, who is engaged to actress Megan Fox, has previously shared his daughter’s musical talent with the world. Casie and Machine Gun Kelly have performed duets together, showcasing their natural musical abilities. The singer has even admitted that he trusts his daughter’s opinion more than his own when it comes to music, highlighting their close bond.

Father’s Day was a special occasion for many celebrities, with stars like Travis Barker, Prince William, Tom Brady, Jessica Alba, and Kris Jenner all sharing heartfelt tributes to the fathers in their lives. From sweet Instagram posts to throwback photos, these celebrities expressed their gratitude and love for the dads who have made a difference in their lives.

Overall, Father’s Day was a time for reflection, celebration, and appreciation for the important men in our lives. Whether it’s cooking a special meal, sharing musical talents, or simply spending quality time together, these celebrities showed that fatherhood is a precious gift to be cherished and celebrated.