
Line of Duty actor Martin Compston expressed confidence in the possibility of another series, despite no official plans being announced by creator Jed Mercurio. Compston, along with co-stars Vicky McClure and Adrian Dunbar, shared their openness to returning for another season if the right story presented itself.

The bond between the three actors, who portray AC-12’s leads on the show, has grown into a strong friendship off-screen. Compston mentioned that Vicky and Adrian are among his closest friends, and the trio looks forward to reuniting in the future. Despite their busy schedules with various projects, they remain grateful for the success of Line of Duty, which has opened up new opportunities for them.

Recently, Martin Compston participated in UNICEF’s Soccer Aid event, showcasing his football skills alongside McClure. Adrian Dunbar is currently showcasing his talents on the West End stage, while McClure is starring in the latest streaming drama, Insomnia. The actors have been keeping busy with their individual ventures, but the possibility of coming together for another season of Line of Duty excites them.

In a recent social event in Glasgow, Compston, McClure, and former co-star Craig Parkinson delighted attendees with their presence at a daytime clubbing event. The actors enjoyed the gathering and shared their excitement for the event to be held in Edinburgh next. Their camaraderie off-screen reflects the strong bond they developed while working on the hit show.

As fans eagerly await news of a potential seventh series of Line of Duty, the stars’ willingness to return for another season offers hope for the show’s future. While the decision ultimately lies with the creator and the availability of a compelling storyline, the cast’s enthusiasm and friendship bode well for the beloved crime drama’s potential comeback.