When the sun is at Havana’s famous waterfront’s promenade, slow, full of an absurd look at every night game. With full lungs, Ernesto Rodriguez blows up on the Malecon, a three-to-four condoms and tie them together on a fishing line. Then he throws the over-the-top construct on the sea, in the hope that a fish bites.

The Ritual of the fishermen Rodríguez draws here day in, day out, is emblematic of the current Cuba, where economic deprivation and a creative business sense to go often Hand-in-Hand. Many of the inhabitants of the socialist island state have learned to let the notorious lack of products and materials do not limit and ride with a lot of ingenuity to provide for themselves.

condoms carry the hooks far out to sea

For the fishermen on the Promenade in the inflated condoms have many advantages. Since then, the Cuban authorities have banned in the 90s, the fishing on rafts in front of the Malecón, there was for the fisherman is no longer an opportunity to catch the big one. “The big fish cavort directly to the wall, so we need to go and find them,” explains Rodríguez.


Cuba, Havana: Ernesto Rodriguez blows up a condom to use it as a float.


What was not with the conventional fishing possible, thanks to condoms easier. You carry the hooks to a distance of up to 300 meters on the sea, where the fish will bring 10 to 15 kilos on the scales.

fisherman two advantages

For Rodriguez to gain the is a crucial factor. Fishing is not only a Hobby, but he earned also his livelihood. Because although it is actually not legal, the fish to sell, he gets all of the Restaurants on the Promenade, a Dollar per Kilo snapper.


Cuba, Havana: With the condoms, Ernesto Rodríguez fish that swim far from the shore fish. Ultrabet


And still an advantage to have the condoms: they prevent the fishing hook sinks into the sea. When a fish takes the bait, it stays on the surface of the water, and the risk of losing the fish with hook by a jerk, is so small.

A box of condoms will cost five cents

It is not a long time, since condoms were an absolute lack of goods in Cuba. 2014 the condom shortage culminated in a crisis and even made it into the newspaper “Granma”, the official paper of the Communist party of Cuba. Since then, the annual imported condom quota of 70 million resulted in increases to 120 million. The condoms are imported from China and India and subsidised by the state. A box costs 5 Cuban Pesos, the equivalent of about 5 cents.

Also on the production of wine, the condoms have become one of the decisive influence. Orestes Estévez worked for 30 years in the Ministry of the interior, before he took advantage of the economic Opening, under the then President, Raúl Castro, in order to obtain a license for the production of wine. He’s using the condoms in the fermentation process.

A rubber for the Cuban wine

In this case, the condom is placed on the neck of the bottle, in the fruit sources. Estévez added to the wine, Ginseng, or watercress. “During fermentation, the condom starts to rise, such as when a man,” says Estévez. In the Condom will not be pricked in small holes, so that it bursts during the up to 45 days continuous fermentation process.


Cuba, Havana: fermentation process in the wine trade of Orestes Estevez.


The wines sold Estévez in his shop “La Casa del Vino” for a price between 50 cents and a Dollar. In the neighborhood he has made according to his own statement, with the cry already popular. The residents of the neighborhood watering now, finally, good wine and cheap alcohol. The impact also positively on living together: “you eat well, you sleep well and you talk to each other,” says Estévez. The condoms in Cuba, apparently for the more community – and not just in bed.

sve / DPA