
Jon Heder, known for his iconic role as Napoleon Dynamite in the cult classic film from 2004, recently shared some rare insights about his life after the movie. Even 20 years later, fans still love quoting lines from the movie to him, with the “tots line” being the most popular. Heder mentioned that his young kids have also become aware of the movie’s craze, with his daughter even enjoying watching clips from the film.

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Napoleon Dynamite, Heder partnered with Ore-Ida for an ad that references a memorable scene from the movie. The ad features Napoleon wearing Tot-Protecting Pants to prevent his tots from getting crushed, a clever nod to the film’s storyline. Heder explained that it made sense for Napoleon to endorse either tots or Chapstick, given his character’s quirky personality.

When asked about where he thinks Napoleon would be today, Heder humorously suggested that Napoleon’s life might be more drama than comedy, hinting at potential health issues and thinning hair for the character. He also expressed doubts about Napoleon’s relationship with Deb working out in the long run but hinted at the possibility of a sequel that explores Napoleon’s attempts to win her back.

Overall, Jon Heder’s reflections on life after Napoleon Dynamite give fans a glimpse into how the film’s enduring popularity has impacted both his career and personal life. Despite the passage of time, the quirky charm of Napoleon Dynamite continues to resonate with audiences, making it a beloved classic for years to come.