
Our Legacy is a brand that has made a significant impact on menswear, with many emerging brands being described as trying to be the next Our Legacy. The brand’s anti-fashion stance embraces grunge, moto, and military influences, giving its pieces a timeless quality. The collection features a muted color palette and a sense of androgyny that adds a cool and effortless vibe.

Founded by three close friends, Our Legacy’s creative director, Cristopher Nying, draws inspiration from personal experiences, creating pieces that are both personal and universal. This season, the collection was inspired by Greek fishing villages, with elements such as upcycled beach detritus and fishing nets influencing the designs.

Nying experimented with textures and materials to create a “wet look” in the collection. Silk and metal threads were used to create airy crinkled sweaters, while a white nylon jacket was washed and shrunken for a clinging effect. The influence of maritime gear was evident in pieces like a life vest-like gilet that swelled into a peplum.

The collection also featured nods to classic sailor styles, with marinière stripes and sailor shirts reimagined into modern silhouettes. Women’s looks followed a curvy “bella figura” shape, deconstructed in the Our Legacy style. Pieces like a filmy tied-at-the-waist skirt that doubled as an oversized T-shirt added versatility to the collection.

Nying’s vision for the collection was to create a sense of being in a dreamy, sun-scorched fishing village. Models with artificial sunburns and wet looks evoked a surreal atmosphere, enhanced by accessories like a collapsing consultant shoe and a faceless silver watch that suspended time.

Overall, Our Legacy’s Spring 2025 collection captures a dreamlike quality with its blend of maritime influences, modern silhouettes, and unique textures. Nying’s ability to abstract personal experiences into universal designs shines through in this season’s offerings, creating a collection that is both innovative and timeless.