
Kim Kardashian recently shared a sweet sentiment towards Ivanka Trump’s daughter, Arabella Kushner, on her 13th birthday. This public display of affection on Ivanka’s Instagram is just one of many instances that have shed light on the friendship between Kim and Ivanka.

Their friendship dates back to at least 2014 when they met at the Met Gala. Despite living on opposite coasts, Kim in Los Angeles and Ivanka in New York, they found common ground as mothers, businesswomen, and members of high-profile families. This shared connection led them to bond over various topics and causes.

One significant moment in their friendship was when Kim advocated for criminal justice reform and sought help from Ivanka to get President Trump’s attention. This collaboration later resulted in the commutation of Alice Marie Johnson’s sentence, showcasing their shared commitment to important issues.

Despite Ivanka’s move to Florida and her decision to step away from politics, her friendship with Kim has continued to thrive. They have been spotted together at various events and celebrations, indicating a strong bond between the two.

Most recently, Kim celebrated Arabella’s birthday with a Taylor Swift-themed cake, showing her continued affection for Ivanka’s family. This gesture further solidifies the friendship and mutual respect they share.

As Kim and Ivanka navigate their respective worlds and personal lives, their friendship remains a constant source of support and connection. It goes to show that despite their differences and the challenges they may face, true friendship knows no boundaries.