
Kevin Costner has poured his heart, soul, and $38 million into his new project Horizon: An American Saga. The western epic, which he funded with his own money alongside two mystery investors, is a passion project that Costner has been determined to bring to life. His dedication has not gone unnoticed by his co-stars.

Luke Wilson, who stars in the film, shared that Costner’s personal investment in the project did not add pressure, but it did make him appreciate the actor’s commitment. Costner even mentioned to Wilson that he had put his own home on the line to finance the film, showing just how much he believes in the project.

Sienna Miller, another co-star, explained that Costner’s drive and dedication to his dream inspired everyone on set to work hard and support him. With no executives or studio presence on set, the film felt like a big-budget independent project, which motivated the cast and crew to do their best for Costner.

Sam Worthington, who also stars in the film, praised Costner for taking risks and pushing boundaries with the project. Costner’s willingness to go all in on telling a story that he cares about resonated with Worthington and made him eager to be a part of the project.

Costner himself shared that he is aware of the risks involved in making these films, but he is determined to stay true to his vision and not lose sight of what is important to him. The first two chapters of Horizon: An American Saga are set to be released this summer, with the remaining chapters still in the planning stages.

For Costner, the success of the project will be measured by the audience’s response and their willingness to share the film with others. He believes that sharing a film is a sign that it has moved people in some way, and that is what he hopes to achieve with Horizon.

As the release date for Horizon: An American Saga – Chapter 1 approaches, fans of Costner and the western genre are eagerly anticipating the film’s premiere. Costner’s dedication and passion for the project have not only inspired his co-stars but also created a buzz around the film that is sure to draw audiences to theaters when it finally hits the big screen.