
Kevin Costner was ecstatic when his new Western film, Horizon, received a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival. The 69-year-old actor poured £30 million of his own money into the project, hoping for success. However, early reviews have been brutal, calling the film slow and boring, with some even labeling it as the worst movie of the century.

Despite the critical backlash, Costner remains optimistic about the future of the Horizon saga. He believes in the story he’s telling and is willing to risk it all for his passion project. With three more installments already planned, Costner is all in, even if it means putting his financial security on the line.

The actor’s personal life has also been tumultuous, with a bitter divorce and a strained relationship with his hit TV series, Yellowstone. Costner’s dedication to Horizon has caused friction with the show’s producers, leading to his eventual departure from the series. Additionally, his second divorce has taken a toll on him emotionally and financially, further complicating his already precarious situation.

Costner’s decision to cast his son in Horizon has also come under fire, with critics questioning his motives. Despite the challenges and criticisms he faces, Costner remains steadfast in his pursuit of bringing his vision to life on the big screen.

As Horizon faces uncertain prospects at the box office, Costner knows that the future of the saga hangs in the balance. Whether the films will be successful or not remains to be seen, but Costner is prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be. With a mix of determination and trepidation, Costner marches forward, ready to confront whatever lies over the Horizon.