
Despite facing financial difficulties, Katie Price has decided to enjoy a holiday at the Isle of Wight Festival with her boyfriend JJ Slater. The former glamour model is joined by her sister Sophie and her partner for the four-day festival in Newport. The camping ticket for the event cost Katie £220.45.

Katie has been sharing updates from the festival on her Instagram Stories, showing her having a great time with JJ. This comes after Katie was declared bankrupt for the second time in March due to an unpaid tax bill of £761,994.05, along with additional debts totaling more than £3.2 million.

Court papers revealed that Katie failed to comply with a demand for a liquidated sum and had not made the monthly payments she agreed to last year. Despite her financial troubles, Katie seems to be enjoying her time at the festival, taking a break from the stress of her bankruptcy situation.

Katie’s financial struggles have been ongoing, with the former Page Three model blaming her exes and lawyers for her money problems in a podcast interview earlier this year. She mentioned that funding her exes’ lavish lifestyles and dealing with legal issues contributed to her financial downfall.

In March, Katie was supposed to give evidence about her finances at the High Court but did not show up, opting to go on holiday to Cyprus with her new boyfriend instead. Her previous home, known as the Mucky Mansion, was in a state of disrepair for years due to break-ins, flooding, and other issues. Katie has since moved out and is currently renting a mansion in Sussex.

Despite her financial challenges, Katie Price seems to be making the most of her time at the Isle of Wight Festival, taking a break from her bankruptcy woes to enjoy the music and atmosphere with her loved ones. It’s clear that Katie is trying to focus on the positive moments in life, even in the face of adversity.